Thursday, September 4, 2008


I don't know how you feel about Jack Van Impe, but I personally like to watch him & his wife occasionally. I mean, the man has over 15,000 verses memorized!! They talk about the end times---and use headlines of today's newspapers to show how prophecy is being fulfilled. Last night, he said, "Beware! Seducing spirits have been unleashed."
I was already concerned this week when I read a letter from a young woman who is going to a Christian college. She said, "God is pro-choice. He's always given His people choice; therefore, He's pro-choice." She was talking about abortion.
Isn't it crazy? But Satan is good at that. He twists scripture in people's minds. There's just enough truth to make it sound plausible.
I encourage us all to become TRUTH-SEEKERS! "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32 And then, "For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and they will show great signs and wonders so as to deceive and lead astray, if possible, even the elect (God's chosen ones)." Matthew 24:24 It's going to be imperative the closer we get to Jesus' coming to stay in the Truth!! That's where my heart is today.


amy wright said...

...and hold each other accountable to that truth. Sometimes I wonder if I am missing out on something...I want to know when I am!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Amy! I don't think we should sit back and let someone we know continue to believe a LIE! If we see that someone is holding on to something that isn't truth, we should (lovingly and gently) show them the REAL (God's) truth and how they are believing a lie. Then if they continue to believe it, it is on them...I hope people will do that very thing for me!

Lindsey said...

Ditto to Amy! And God help us speak that truth in I seem to have a hard time doing these days!