Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Book Review

This weekend I read a book that was recommended to me. It's called "Princess" by Jean P. Sasson. My friend, Donna, has moved to Qatar because of her husband's job. Qatar is east of Saudi Arabia. It's a totally different country and...the 2 countries aren't friends. Donna recommended the book because she's now around Muslim women who wear veils. It brought her understanding and she thought I would enjoy it since I love to read. My county library had the book, so I immediately went and checked it out.
What an eye-opener! I had no idea what the lives of Saudi women were like. And actually, this is a tale of a royal Saudi woman; hence, the title, The Princess. Jean tells the tale of a princess of the royal Saudi family--who rules over Saudi Arabia. The country is totally male-dominated, with little regard for women. From the time a baby boy is born, he's revered. A girl is totally neglected by her father until she's of marriageable age---around 14. A daughter is valuable only for the dowry she brings to her father. She may be married to a man her grandfather's age---and she may be the 4th wife of this man!
Men are expected to use and abuse women. (This book is very forthright with its stories, but I felt it was told in a tasteful manner.) In fact, this book gave me understanding of the attitude Muslims have towards the U.S. I know it's hard to see why I came to that conclusion in the same paragraph of men using and abusing women...but if you read the book, you'll see why. I don't want to give everything away!
If you have even an inkling of wanting to understand women of other countries and cultures, you MUST read this book! I highly recommend it! Thanks, Donna!!


Anonymous said...

I will have to check it out!!

As We Are said...

Awesome! Thanks Becky. I am looking for some books to read now that it is fall and this one sounds very interesting. I can't wait!

Kara said...

Sounds good! I will check it out.