Saturday, September 13, 2008


As you can tell, I'm overly amazed with technology. Yesterday, Andy went and spent some of his birthday money. He bought a camera to use with our computer so we can call and see our family via Skype. Can I tell you that it is AMAZING?!?! Our maiden voyage was calling Jay last night, in Florida, getting it all set up. It was like we were in his bedroom with him, talking to him face-to-face. He turned off his lights and asked if we could still see him. Since we could, he took his laptop upstairs and let us see his boys asleep. AAAAHHHHHH!!! Too cute!
David & Lindsey got here as we were talking to Jay & Amy (after she got home from a night out w/ the girls) and we lost control. Ryan & Addie Belle had to talk to Uncle Jay & Aunt Mamie. Actually, I think they were mostly watching themselves on the screen. But it was lots of fun.
This morning, "Hey," as Ryan & Addie call him, called and we talked to he and Shanna from Lubbock.
*Sidenote: Our names are a little crazy around here. Ryan & Addie call Zach "Hey" because they would walk in while he was waking up and he'd playfully yell, "HEY!" at them. So...he became "Hey!" That's actually what they call him. Isaac named him Mumzie before he became Hey. This was when Jay & Amy lived with us and Zach still lived at home. So Isaac loved his Uncle Zach from the beginning. He couldn't say "Uncle Zach," so it became a combination and ended up "Mumzie." There's Buff, Gee, Pops, Guh, Gran, Mamie, Uncle Joy, Mumzie, Hey, Aunt La La, just doesn't stop.
So anyway, back to this amazing camera---this morning, we got to see Isaac wiggle that loose tooth, Josiah showed us his Thomas the Tank Engine pajamas, and Olivia reached out for us. Amy said she never sits that still, but apparently she takes after her Gee in her fascination with technology!
It was so much fun seeing everyone in live action across the miles. I know that these 2 grandparents are going to give this new gadget quite a workout---thank you, babe, for that birthday purchase! And Zach, Mumzie, Hey....we're sorry we bumped you off in favor of the grandkids.


amy wright said...

I was just laughing at ourselves thinking about how funny this will all seem 20 years from now. Technology will be even better by then. Our kids will think that it's nuts that we used to just send an email or talk on the phone. Ha!

Becky Dietz said...

Yeah...and I still can't figure out how you can copy a piece of paper and send it through a wire as a fax!

Anonymous said...

I love nicknames! Funny that I married Nick!

TheShermanFam said...

WOW! I'm impressed that you guys are so hip with technology!
We have, on occasion, used Skype to talk to Derek when he travels...pretty awesome!!!