Saturday, August 16, 2008

Day 12 of 30 Days of Praise

I praise God this morning for child-like faith. That's the way God wants us coming to Him. Just this morning, watching Olivia Anne, I'm reminded again of that child-like faith. She believes there will be someone to come get her out of her bed in the morning. She believes she will be fed. In fact, there's just no doubt in her mind! She expects it. She believes her diaper will get changed. She believes she's loved by her parents and brothers. She knows she is because they tell her so often and sing her songs to her to affirm it. She believes she'll be entertained. She believes she'll be protected. Her mom and brothers follow her around picking bugs up off the floor so she doesn't eat them---or taking the boys' toys away so she doesn't get hurt.

Now Olivia may not appreciate the timing of all this. And she certainly doesn't appreciate the rest that her parents insists she gets. But she knows her family loves her and will take care of all of her needs.

God does the same with us. He's promised that He will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory. He's promised that He'll lead us into places of rest. He even entertains us. Have you thought about God's sense of humor? I heard Him laugh at me just the other day. My responsibility is to come to Him with child-like faith. An easy trust in my Daddy. I just need to believe that He will take care of all of my needs. He will.

Just look at these sweet pictures of Olivia with her parents and see how easily she trusts them. Notice how proud they are of her. Have you ever thought about God's feelings about you?

Father, thank you that You're the perfect Daddy. Thank you that you take care of all of my needs. I praise You for Your promises to me of Your great care of me. I praise You that no one loves me like You do. Thank You that Your plan for my life includes Your protection, Your provision and Your care. I love you, Daddy! In Jesus' name, Amen.

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