Saturday, October 18, 2008

Keepin' it REAL

Amy brought up the point to me last week about how it's so easy to just share the good, fun stuff and give an unrealistic view of ourselves as we blog. That's true. I responded to her tonight on her blog that it doesn't offend me that we share the good stuff. I think it keeps us focused on the good things that take place in our lives. It keeps us grateful.
But then....I was reading the book of John tonight. OUCH!! Talk about keepin' it REAL! Jesus kept it really real. Not only for himself---but he was quick to point out the realness in others. I almost said I was glad I wasn't hanging around with him then. But...he's the same yesterday, today and forever, right? I think he's still doing that. If we don't admit our realness, I think he's quick to point it out himself.
And then a new blogger (a shout-out to Julie!) wrote me and told me she read through all my blogs (bless her, God!) and appreciated my realness. I'm not sure I'm quite so deserving of her compliment, but I want to keep it real....really, I do!
So having said all that...I'm not sure where I'm going here. How real do we get? I don't think you want to hear my complaints. You don't need my opinions. Gosh! It makes me nervous to write anything now.

I know....pretty scary!! Can you tell I've laid around all day? But I'm committed to keepin' it real!!! Too real?


Ilene said...

AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME!! I need to be better at keeping it real!! Great reminder!

amy wright said...

You see, this is the thing, I remember thinking that families with lots of kids and/or homeschooled, had it together. I also thought that homeschooled families were nerds (Wha ha ha ha ha) but they definitely had it together, in my mind. So, I just don't want anyone to think that about me (or expect that out of me!!) so I figured I'd better be a little honest. Of course, anyone who REALLY knows us, knows that we have quite a few flaws. But those who just read the blog and maybe kind of know me, they are getting a candy-coated view. But don't get me wrong, I think that I have great kids and I think that I'm a good mom. We just aren't perfect or anywhere near perfect. And as I am writing this, I figure I'd better post it on my comments as well.

Sewn Together said...

Amen Sistah!
BTW _ How many times did you have to take your picture for that oh so perfect expression! Love it! ha!

Marcy Faye Hallden said...

We are keeping it real--and I like it! I also like that I don't have to type in a bunch of letters to leave you a comment--that gets on my nerves!

Becky Dietz said...

Sadly, that photo only took one try!

Kara said...

You are AWESOME and are definitely real. I love the pic!! HA!!!

Anonymous said...

You crack me up!!