Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dumb, Dumb, Dumb

It all started this afternoon when I was in a hurry. I was trying to do some things to take care of our adopted students so I could then get home and relax. As I said....I was in a hurry.
Our driveway is divided from our neighbors by this low pipe rail. It's been a source of problems for a long time, right Amy?

You have to make a wide right turn into the driveway to avoid hitting this rail. And you can only do this if you're not in a hurry....

Like I said....I was in a hurry today. Dumb, dumb, dumb....

You got it! I ran right into that pole----and heard a loud KAPOW! The tire exploded. But that wasn't the worst of it.

Andy tried to remove the tire so I could go get a new one....and it wouldn't come off. He tried moving the car over a little to have more elbow room and I watched as the tire wouldn't rotate. (which accounts for the above skid marks) Apparently, I've not only ruined a tire, but a wheel and possibly an axle. Why, oh why did I have to be in a hurry???

But aren't my mums lovely this fall?


TheShermanFam said...

Oh no!! Dad said ya'll were thinking about tearing that thing out!
What a huge bummer!!!!

The Dietz Diary said...

I love the mums!!! : )

Amy said...

I must admit that this makes me feel a lot better. I'm glad that I'm not the only one now. :)
But...I'm sorry that you have to fix all of that. No fun.
And...your mums are beautiful!

Marcy Faye Hallden said...

Ok, I laughed out loud!! Not because you have to fix all your stuff, but more because I can just see you out there documenting stuff with your camera! HA! Loved the mums. Just think, if you didn't blog, you wouldn't see the "good" in this.

Anonymous said...

Bummer, but your mums are lovely! I am looking forward to seeing you in CO in a few weeks!!

Sandra said...

The mums are beautiful! Sorry about the car.

Tammy said...

I love your mums, your house is too cute and I am really sorry about your car. As my daughter says, doesn't that just frustrate the fire out of you?

Ilene said...

The Mums ARE beautiful. Thank you Lord for the bright spots in our lives!

Lindsey said...

That really stinks! I definitely think it's time for the pole to go. I always get scared that I'm going to hit it when we're there. I concur...the mums are gorgeous.

David Dietz said...

That sucks. I remember Amy doing that with her ugly car that her boyfriend bought from her. Tell dad that I'll help rip that piece of crap out of the ground.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that looks like something I would totally do! I was in a hurry got preoccupied and ran into the back of DAVID one I's a pain but it could have been worse...the mums are gorgeous, darling!

Kara said...

OH NO!!!!!! I hate when we get in a hurry, something always happens and it's usually pricey. Your mums DO look lovely. Want to come help me with my flowers next Spring???!!!

The Johnsons said...

Gorgeous mums!!