Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Not thy will but mine be done...

I doubt you've ever prayed that. Neither have I. But I think I've lived it alot! And I think alot of my prayers have sounded like that to God, too. Sunday, Carl Duso taught on Isaiah 42. Verse 1 talks about Christ, the servant. I began thinking on that after I got home. Jesus said he came to do the will of the Father who sent him. Not his own. Do you think Jesus ever wished he didn't have to do something the Father told him to do? I think he did. He was tempted in all ways, just as we are, yet without sin. As I'm learning to come to the King...and as I bow before him offering myself as His servant for the day, there are tests. Am I willing? Am I willing to carry out his will that may not be mine? Will I say, "Not my will, but thine be done?" I think I need help!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, I HAVE prayed that, and do alot. When I pray "God, let me get this job, God, heal this person, God, I want....." I am praying not thy will but mine. Maybe I don't say those words but I might as well. Because that is what I mean. I am selfish. I am realizing that more and more everyday!!