Saturday, April 4, 2009

Court Protocol

I was reading Song of Solomon this morning. And I began thinking on this:

Imagine you were facing an arranged a KING! What would you do to prepare yourself? Do you know court protocol? How would you have to change to be presentable to a king and his kingly parents? And most you have anything to wear?

You are, you know. You're facing an arranged marriage. This king's father has chosen you for his son. We're about to enter his courts. Are you prepared?

I really want to expand on this. What are your thoughts? What would you do to prepare yourself for this marriage? How would you change? Would you study court protocol?


Dana said...

Such an amazing thought...

How long did they usually give them to learn all of that? How did Esther get all of that protocol stuff learned in 1 year? I've been at it for 20 and don't seem to be getting anywhere!! :)

Becky, thanks for all the prophecy hoemwork you did. I have been reading and wathching things, and just appreciated your diligence and insight.

Sandra said...

I guess you start by reading the instruction book!