Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's Over!

Finished. Done. Completo. Fini. For another year. (Big sigh of relief here---ahhhhhh!) Every year at this time, I have to write a budget proposal for Living Water. It's to get funds from an organization. This year, it was 45 pages long. (Another sigh---but of exhaustion---ahhhhh!) I try my hardest to do it exactly the way they want it and to get it in ahead of time. I also try to use integrity and not be greedy. I ask for what we need.

But I've learned one thing. I spend more time dreading it than actually doing it. I think I'm going to try to reverse that next year.


amy wright said...

Glad it's done!!

Zach Dietz said...

Mom, I know dad designed the logo...but ask him what the frog has to do with anything.