Saturday, January 2, 2010

All Things New

I'm so glad Tamra found! I was wanting something new for my blog. And don't you love my new photo at the top? I think Amy took this at our family reunion last July. It is 6 of my 7 grandchildren. To me, it looks like a photo you'd find advertising children's clothing. It looks like they've been posed. My only regret is that Olivia isn't in the photo....but she was probably napping at the time. Or maybe not, come to think of it. Amy, can you photoshop her in--right under Caitlin's left hand? That would be perfect!

I love new things. And yet I don't like change. I don't know where I got this incongruous behavior. If you came to my house today, you'd find my furniture in the exact spot it was put in 2 1/2 years ago when I got it. I get new things and yet I'm not one to change things up. Kind of an oxymoron. (I love using big words.)

My friends took me shopping this week and I got lots of new clothes. I love new clothes. But when I go shopping by myself, I tend to get one shirt in 3-4 different colors. Seriously. Can I have a witness, daughters?

I love going to a new small group. But once the group is formed, I don't like for it to change. (Can I say that?)

But I have a husband and friends who push me towards change. I've tried to learn to go with the flow, be fluid, be vaporous even. But there's a part of me that will always want and need roots. God just created me that way, I think. There's a homing device that was placed in me at birth.
But change it is. I changed my blog today. Thanks, Tamra!


In Christs Love, Cindy said...

There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have changed.
I Love You Becky

amy wright said...

That's who I get it from!

Becky Dietz said...

Sorry, daughter-of-mine. LOL! I think I got it from my dad.

Lindsey said...

You daredevil! Changing your blog! It's really cute!

Becky Dietz said...

Can I just say that I think this is one of my all-time favorite photos?? There's just something that speaks to me in it. (Maybe my cute grandkids!!) Or maybe I just want to freeze them at this age. But I LOVE it!

Tammy said...

Becky i love your new look. I can relate to what you blogged. Although i love to constantly change things around in our home, i depend on everything else in my world staying the same. I was once asked by a woman who came into my office "what did you do, buy that shirt in every color they had?" As rude as that was, cause i didn't even know her except in the office, she was right. hahahaha If we eat mexican food, it is at the plaza, if we eat mexican food it is at the plaza, if we eat mexican food it IS at the plaza. hahahaha We very seldom eat anywhere else, and from all of that i only have 3 different meals i order. i can say for myself it has something to do with my comfort zone. Have a wonderful blessed year Becky!

Becky Dietz said...

See, Tammy? I'd eat at the Plaza everytime, too, if Andy would let me! Exactly!!

As We Are said...

Cute blog Becky! I used to not be this way, but the older I get the worse it gets. I'm trying to challenge myself to more changes this year.

Becky Dietz said...

Tammy, I ate at the Plaza today.