Friday, January 29, 2010


Well, the morning started out calm--and almost boring. Last night, I'd read Debi Duso's blog and was inspired to build the kids a tent today to play in. I thought it would last all morning. didn't. They loved finding blankets to build the tent, but didn't stay in it long.
So we moved on to Little House on the Prairie so I could get in the shower. I showered and then we played a rousing game of Simon Says. Even Olivia got into the game.

Great tent that held their attention for about 5 minutes.

This is how Olivia looks when she puts her backpack on by herself.

These are Olivia's favorite shoes. They are pink.

And I end with this photo. After all, today was all about Olivia and her rescuers.

We were all getting bored. And I didn't want them watching more tv. So I decided we should get out for awhile. Wal-Mart was having a great sale yesterday, so I decided to go back and find some birthday gifts for the grandkids.
We hung out there awhile and then went to What-a-Burger and got something to take home to eat. The kids were going to eat under the tent. We got home and started unloading the van and I went to get Olivia out and her door was locked. So...I went back to my door and unlocked it (or so I thought), and went back to get her (after closing my door) and it was LOCKED!! My heart starts pounding and I begin checking each door. All locked. I tried to stay calm for the kids' sakes, but my mind was racing about what to do. I began searching kitchen drawers for extra keys and found none. I couldn't call Amy because my cell phone was locked in the car with Olivia! So we started going to neighbor's houses to see if anyone was home so we could call for help. I immediately thought we should call 911. I was thinking the police would come to unlock a car to rescue a baby inside! So we finally found a neighbor at home and she loaned me her phone and I called 911. The neighbor was on her way to somewhere....but she realized the seriousness of the situation and stuck around. Isaac, by this time, is over at his dad's locked car and began screaming that he got it unlocked! (Not the van, the car) We thought dad's keys might have the van key on it so we could get in. Nope. By this time, the sheriff shows up. He has a slim jim and I'm thinking he's the answer to my prayers!
Throughout the whole ordeal, Olivia is sitting in her car seat laughing at us and wrinkling her cute little nose. While I'm outside her door praying and wondering how I could have been so dumb!! Then the fire & rescue shows up. Fire truck #24, Isaac later tells me. The Sheriff had me call Pop-a-Lock and have them come while he and the firemen work on getting the van unlocked. The firemen tell me, "NO! We can get this!!" (LOL! Gotta love those firemen!) So we kept Pop-a-Lock on hold while the firemen found a wire hanger and got after it!
Isaac asked if Olivia had enough air to breathe. I assured him she did---and thankfully, we had a cool day here in sunny Florida. I signed a waiver, giving the Sheriff permission to break a window, if necessary....while I prayed for favor for those firemen!
Olivia has started saying, "Nemo. Nemo." She had been playing with a Nemo telephone and it had fallen to the floor. Oops!
FINALLY!!! Those wonderful, cute firemen popped the lock---with a wire hanger. I wanted to hug each one of them---but only got to hug the Sheriff---but told the rest that they were my heroes and "God bless you!"
*long sigh* What a day!! As the boys and I talked it over (while we all sat at the table to eat---we all decided we really didn't have the energy to get under the tent now), we decided there were so many heroes!! The neighbor, Diane, was a hero for letting us use her phone. Isaac was a hero for opening his dad's car with a code he didn't know. Josiah was a hero for keeping Olivia laughing. The Sheriff was a hero for getting on the scene first. The firemen were definitely our heroes for opening that van door! Olivia was a hero for not crying. And I was even a hero for not freaking I'm wont to do. (even though it was all my fault in the first place.)
Today is friday and not a nap day. But I decided we all needed to rest. So Olivia is down for her usual nap and the boys get to play Leapster in their beds.
I'm praying for a boring day tomorrow. And I'm keeping the keys in my purse now.


Tammy said...

oh Becky this is too much drama for this Memme! good job if you didn't freak out. i would have without a doubt!

As We Are said...

OH gosh! What a story! I would have freaked out for sure. I'm proud of all of you heros in the story. And I do love those pink shoes.

OuR LiTtLe SmArTiEs said...

Becky, do not feel bad I locked Gabe in the car at a gas station. Brad was getting gas and I jumped out and ran in to get a drink. Brad started calling me asking for the keys. I told no I didn't have them. At that moment he looks in the car and sees the keys in the seat. So he calls me back and ask me to ask someone in there if they have a wire hanger or something. They said no but to check next door at autozone so that is what I did. The nice cashier said no they didn't have or sell anything that would help me. So by this point I was trying to stay clam and the then cashier said oh the fire department is next door let me go see if they can help. All I can is thank goodness Brad was with me to Keep Gabe entertained ( Gabe thought it was the funniest thing.) In just a few short seconds the nice fire men show up and looked at me and Brad and just their head. Thanks guys not like we already feel awful for locking out our kid in the car. See so you are not alone and could have been at a gas station instead of a drive way.

Sandra said...

Here's hoping for a very boring day tomorrw! Whew!!

shala said...

I started crying while reading this. I can only imagine how your heart was racing. Praise God Liv and all are safe. Be bored tomorrow!

Lindsey said...

OH my goodness! I can only assume two things: Either Amy hasn't read this yet, or she's too traumatized to comment. I am so, so glad Liv (and Gee) are ok!

Becky Dietz said...

I called Amy as soon as I calmed down some. I was afraid she was going to freak out and race home--knowing I was completely incompetent! But she took it well....even saying she'd had a fear of doing the same thing.
I've had the kids journaling their week for mom and dad. Isaac drew a picture of the event...but didn't draw Liv in the van. I asked him why and he said it was just too sad. Poor little guy. He's probably the one most traumatized!!

amy wright said...

I'm cracking up laughing at what Isaac said about his journal. He can be a bit dramatic.
And I think you were freaking out about the situation more than I would have. Someone has to be calm in our family. haha

Cheryl Dietz said...

My kids cry when their toothbrush falls in the toilet! (which happened last night. "it was my favorite toothbrush ever!) When they are with me and I am even a tiny bit confused as to where I am, they all start freaking out. I can only imagine what my kids would have don! Thankfully, everyone is just in boosters now. I have been known to leave a child at church before!