Friday, January 9, 2009

More Living Water

What a day! We started our food give-away back up today---after the holiday break. It was a bit overwhelming. We start all over the first week in January---everyone gets a new card which means we have to get everyone's information all over again. It takes a long time. And there were just lots of questions for me today from every direction. The exciting thing is that about 5 or 6 people had praises that they wanted to share during our prayer time! They're seeing God at work in their own lives. It's just amazing. Incredible things are happening!! Gib preached today and 3 people prayed to receive Christ. God is good.
When the dust cleared, our office volunteer decided to look at the past 2 years and to see how many people we'd had the 1st week of January. (I love statistics!!) In 2007, we had 16 people. In 2008, we had 40 people. And today, we had 64 people!! Is that not amazing? I think it's a sign of things to come.
Another exciting thing is that 3 women came up to me after they got their groceries and asked when they could come volunteer at Living Water. I'm telling you...lives are being changed.

A Living Water Beauty


amy wright said...

I KNEW that I had seen that picture before. I had to scroll back through your posts to make sure that I wasn't going crazy. haha

It's so exciting to hear all the happenings of LW.

Julie Simmons said...

Becky, sometime you should tell us the story of how LW was born and has grown at FBC. I've heard bits and pieces from Linda, but would love to hear it all. :-)