Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The Burden Bearer Year

I would have to describe my 2024 as a “Burden Bearer” year. I spent the year walking with a friend whose life came crashing down around her. I didn’t have the answers—but I knew where to go. And I knew some basic truths from walking with another friend in similar circumstances years ago. 

About 30 years ago, one of our pastors called me and asked me to counsel a woman walking through a divorce. I panicked.  I told the pastor I had no idea how to help—except to pray with her. I never met with her (I’m sure she decided to look for better help!). After that experience, God showed me I WAS equipped. I’d been a believer for 30 years, had been in the Word, and had the Holy Spirit as my teacher. I told Him then that if he gave me an opportunity, I would help—and learn.  The next week, He dropped an opportunity in my lap! And boy!!  Did I (we) learn!! We never quit walking together. 

I’ve had many (shorter) opportunities to bear other people’s burdens through the years; but in 2024, God asked me to walk closely with another friend and bear her heavy burdens. It was familiar…but also very different. And I’ve learned I still have so much to learn—but I have a very willing and capable Teacher!

God told us to “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2. Don’t you think if we all bore someone’s burdens, there would be so much less anxiety in our culture? You don’t have to have all the answers.  You just have to care—and step in and walk beside them. And you have to listen to your Teacher and help the other person pursue Truth! That’s it. Walk, pray, listen, guide them to Jesus. Be a faithful, loving, and consistent friend. Have I done it perfectly? Oh no! My flesh has come out and the person I was walking with had to remind ME of truth!  But that’s exciting—to see someone grow! God never intended for us to have all the answers. He does. 

We can make 2025 better for someone else. Will you be a Burden Bearer? The amazing thing is that you can even do this long distance. Use that phone for a good purpose—be a burden bearer. It just takes a “yes!” God will take it from there. 

Friday, December 20, 2024

Blessing or Curse

We get to choose. Will we live under blessing or curse? There is no middle ground. You either choose to follow God and live under His blessing…or you choose to walk away from God into curses. Now following God doesn’t mean bad things won’t happen to you—they still will!  God told us to expect that.  But the difference is God walks with you and helps you. 

Stop for a minute and think about families you know who love God and follow Him with all of their hearts. How would you describe them? How would you describe those who don’t follow Jesus? My general adjectives for Jesus-followers would be happy, full of life and light, healthy, good boundaries, fulfilled, joyful, and full of hope. Those who have rejected God? I would say they are mostly unhappy, chaotic, hopeless, dark, angry, a you-owe-me mentality, or an insatiable appetite for what the world offers.  There’s no middle ground. None.  

It’s in ALL of us to want to be happy and fulfilled. And it all comes down to this: Will you choose to love and follow God? He’s the way, He’s the truth, and He’s the life! And there’s no life apart from Him. There’s no fulfillment on earth apart from him..and there’s no eternal life apart from Him. 

I implore you…choose God!! Choose blessing. 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

That Messy First Christmas

That first Christmas was messy. 
•Mary was pregnant before she married. 
•Joseph had to be convinced by an angel to marry her. •They had to travel 94 miles—while Mary was around 9 months pregnant—to pay taxes!
•There was no room for them. 
•They had to stay in a barn. 
•Mary went into labor—in a barn—with no midwife. 
•It was dirty and smelled like animals. 
•They had no bed for Jesus. 
•Dirty shepherds arrived soon after Jesus’ birth. 
It was all messy. 

But…praise God! It reassures me that Jesus will show up in my messy and your messy. He didn’t arrive in a palace making Him inaccessible to you and me. He showed us that we can come to Him just as we are. 

That first Christmas was messy, for sure. But it was also miraculous and filled with wonder. And when Jesus steps into your messy?  You can expect the same.  Jesus came into the messy to rescue you and me. 

Monday, December 9, 2024

Fear vs Fearlessness

If you were Satan, which person would you be more likely to prey upon—the person who is terrified, or the person with determination and fearlessness in their eyes? That’s a no-brainer, isn’t it?

That’s why Paul told us in Philippians 1:28 AMP, “And do not [for a moment] be frightened or intimidated in anything by your opponents and adversaries, for such [constancy and fearlessness] will be a clear sign (proof and seal) to them of [their impending] destruction, but [a sure token and evidence] of your deliverance and salvation, and that from God.”

Don’t be intimidated by Satan, his demons, or the people being used by him. God wants us to trust Him—to be fearless! I know it’s easier said than done. But ask God to deliver you from fear and to build faith through His promises to you. Faith comes by hearing God’s Word—so get in the Word!  Know His promises. Grab hold of those promises and hold them close in your heart and mind. 

Walk fearlessly. Satan will know he’s doomed.  

Sunday, December 8, 2024


This morning, I read Ephesians 6:10, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” I looked up the Greek words and to be strong in the Lord means to receive strength from the Lord. But the opposite (it said), is to be headstrong. I know exactly what it means to be headstrong! Demanding my own way, convinced I’m right, or  determined and self-willed. 

We all have a choice…are we going to be strong in the Lord or headstrong? Will we do it God’s way or our way? Will we be kind and filled with the Soirit or self-willed? Will we submit to God or demand our own way—convinced we’re right?

We face that choice every day, don’t we? Just remember…head butting hurts!

Friday, December 6, 2024

We are…

What has happened in your life to make you feel rejected, abandoned, inferior, insecure, unlovable, or unloved? It’s happened to all of us! Satan probably started in childhood to make sure you grew up with a heart full of rejection. 

God wants you to know you are blessed. He loved you before you were born. He CHOSE you! He looked at all of us orphans and said, “I PICK YOU!”  He wants to adopt you and make you His own.

It’s hard to accept that God loves us. It’s hard for us to receive that love—and any good gift He offers. We have a choice. God chooses us…but will we choose Him? And when we do? He adopts us. We’re His. He begins the work of destroying Satan’s lies and taking off the bondage. He inscribes your name on His will—and you become a full inheritor of all that is His!

He wants you to know that you are fully…

It’s time to agree with Him. 

Saturday, November 30, 2024

The Offense of the Cross

What makes the cross so offensive that people refuse to come to Jesus? By accepting the work Jesus did by dying on the cross for our sins, we have to die to ourselves. We have to admit we can’t get to heaven on our own merit—or by being good enough. We can’t follow the laws of the Old Testament and stand before God completely acceptable…because we’ve proven we’ll never do it perfectly. It’s offensive to admit we’re a sinner…and because of that sin, our relationship with God is broken. The ONLY way to have a relationship with God is to admit we’ve sinned and are in need of a savior. The cross is offensive because we must abandon all pride. 

And there you have the bottom line. The cross is offensive because it illuminates the fact we can’t get to heaven on our own. We have to abandon our pride and admit we’ve sinned and need the salvation Jesus offered by dying for our sins.  His death and resurrection are the bridge which gives us access to a relationship with God and a place in heaven. It’s NOT Jesus’ death for our sins + anything else.  It’s accepting Jesus died for our sins and we need a savior. We have to turn around completely. We stop going our way…and start following Jesus. We must abandon our pride and obey Him. 

And I, brethren, if I still preach circumcision, why do I still suffer persecution? Then the offense of the cross has ceased.” Galatians 5:11. 

Friday, November 22, 2024


“Jesus gave Himself for our sins that we might be delivered from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father.” Galatians 1:4

God sent Jesus to rescue us. This world and this age are degenerate, diseased, calamitous, vicious, lewd, malicious, and wicked. It’s because of that evil mastermind, Satan himself. It was God’s purpose and plan all along to draw us out of this dark, scary cesspool we call home. 

Why has it taken so long? To allow us to be born? To culminate the final battle plans between God & Satan? Because 1000 years is as one day to God? I don’t know. But He’s promised deliverance…so I know it WILL happen. In the meantime, He told us the last days on this earth will only grow more brutal. Satan knows his defeat is near so he will pull out all the stops. 

But we have the best message in the world:
Deliverance is coming!

Spread the word!

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

God is Listening

Then those who feared the Lord spoke with each other, and the Lord listened to what they said. In his presence, a scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of those who feared him and always thought about the honor of his name.” Malachi 3:16

Did you know God is keeping a journal?  And not just any journal—He has a scribe writing down every edifying word we say about Him when we’re talking to one another. It makes me want to talk about Him more often, doesn’t it you? We can never say enough about His honor, His glory, His power, His faithfulness, His holiness, or His ways. He even writes down when we’re thinking about His greatness!

It’s also how we should be talking about one another—edifying them and building them up, right? What does God want us to see in one another—the sin, the bad habits, or the idiosyncrasies that drive us crazy? Or the way He has created them to “fit” in the body of Christ? As we build up one another with our words, we’re doing something important. If what we say and even think about God is so important that He writes it down…don’t you think it’s almost just as important what we say about one another?

Your words matter. Eternity will prove it.  

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Cracked Pot

It’s not about us.  We’re just an earthen vessel. Barbara Johnson calls us a cracked pot! God knew we’d never be perfect—He didn’t expect it nor demand it. He did expect us to mature and grow…but He knew we’d never do this life perfectly. In fact, He knew we’d be damaged, beat up, abused, and broken by the enemy who is called the god of this age.  What is this age, you ask? It’s the period of time before Jesus returns which is ruled by Satan and wreaks instability, weakness, lack of reverence, wickedness, calamity, and misery!

God knew what we’d be walking through. He knew we wouldn’t withstand the storm perfectly. But He also didn’t expect us to do it alone or in our own strength. If we’ve given our lives to Him, He lives in us!  He’s the Light, the Power, the Stability, the Encouragement, the HOPE!  If we’ll quit trying to cover up our weaknesses, and just let Him shine, His power is demonstrated to the world around us. It’s in our weakness He’s made strong. HE is the treasure! He is the power—and He wants to demonstrate it through US. He wants the world to see His light through those cracks. It’s probably the biggest encouragement your friends can see. God can use anyone—even those imperfect but perfectly loved cracked pots. Let His light shine!!

Monday, November 11, 2024


For years, I’ve seen 11:11 everywhere!  On digital clocks, on calendars, billboards, signs…all over. I asked God early on what it meant because I knew there had to be a reason I was seeing it so randomly and so often.  I certainly wasn’t seeking it out. Because God wasn’t answering, I tried to figure it out myself.  I looked up chapter and verse 11:11 in several books of the Bible. I googled it. But I came up empty. 

I knew Hebrew was alphanumeric. There are no numbers in the Hebrew language. Each letter has a numeric value. So when you talk about a number in Hebrew, it’s significant—it means something. Recently, I was listening to Rabbi Jason Sobel, a Messianic Jew, and he opened up the number 11. He said the number 11 in Hebrew meant “breakthrough!” He said the resurrection of Jesus is a picture of this number. He broke out of the grave in victory!

Happy 11:11!  May we all have a breakthrough!!!

Friday, November 8, 2024

Faith • Hope • Love

Have you ever stopped and really considered this verse? I Corinthians 13 is called “The Love Chapter.” And the very last verse tells us that love is greater than faith or hope! Think about that. 

Faith is the cornerstone of Christianity. Without faith, we can’t even have a relationship with Jesus Christ. And without faith, we can’t please God. Faith moves mountains! Hope isn’t just optimism. It’s believing God will do what He says and we can firmly trust Him to fulfill it. 

Love is greater than both of those things. God’s great love reached out and saved us from sin by sacrificing His Son on the cross. His unconditional love keeps us and flows out of us as we mature. 

The Love Chapter also tells us what love is NOT. It’s not prideful nor does it envy. It isn’t hateful and doesn’t behave rudely. It doesn’t look out for itself first and foremost. A person who loves can’t be provoked into anger by the actions of others. Love doesn’t believe or expect the worst in others—it makes space for that person to grow and change. It doesn’t gloat over the failures of others—it rejoices in truth. These checkpoints let us know where we are in the pursuit of love. 

Love never fails. Love is kindness—and it draw us to repentance. It is greater than faith or hope. Do we need all three? Absolutely. But pursue love and the others will fall into place. 

Faith, hope, and love. The greatest of these is love.  ❤️ 

Monday, October 28, 2024

Caretaker or Game Changer?

Andy & I were talking about this last night. Having been in so many churches in the past year and a half, we’ve seen more leaders who are caretakers rather than game changers. Caretaking is necessary to an extent, but God gave us the mission to change the world by bringing people into His kingdom! In fact, while Jesus was on this earth, he was a radical game changer! 

A caretaker takes care of the day-to day needs of others; they focus on maintenance, upkeep and daily tasks. A caretaker maintains order without rocking the boat. 

A game changer significantly alters the way things are done. They drive the change and spur a shift in the status quo. They compare what’s being done to what’s possible. They have vision—and the personality and drive to make change happen. 

We need game changers. 

Monday, September 30, 2024

The First Deacons

In Acts 6, we see where and why the first deacons were established. The crowd of people following Jesus was growing and they were sharing everything—even meals. The Hellenists were complaining that their widows were being neglected in the distribution of food. So the twelve disciples told the people to choose seven men who could concentrate on serving (diakoneō the Greek word from which we get deacon). 

These men were to:
1. Have a good reputation
2. Be full of the Spirit
3. Have wisdom
4. Be willing to serve. 

Stephen was the first chosen. The 12 disciples laid hands on him and the other six men chosen to set them apart to serve as deacons. The description of him says he was full of faith and the Holy Spirit. He was full of power and did wonders and signs among the people. When he was accused by the Freedmen, they were not able to resist the wisdom and Spirit by which he spoke. As he spoke, his face shone like an angel’s. He spoke clearly and accused these men (and their forefathers) of killing the prophets—he was fearless. They decided to kill him by stoning him; Stephen was the first martyr of the faith after Jesus had returned to heaven. As he died, Stephen saw Jesus standing at the right hand of his Father and he forgave his assassins and asked Jesus not to hold his death against them. 

The first deacon served tables and distributed food to widows. He was full of faith and the Holy Spirit. He did signs and wonders. He was able to teach with wisdom that couldn’t be resisted. He was willing to lay down his life for truth. He forgave his killers. 

The life and example of the first deacon. Even with the Holy Spirit working so powerfully in his life, he was willing to serve tables. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Step Forward

Can you imagine Roman soldiers coming for you with clanking armor, lanterns, swords, torches, and other weapons? What would you do? I think my first instinct would be to RUN!!  But knowing me, I’d probably freeze in fear. 

This actually happened to Jesus. He’d taken his disciples to a garden when Judas came storming in with Roman soldiers to arrest Jesus. Jesus knew why they were there. He knew what was ahead of him. He knew his death was imminent and that the sin of the whole world was about to be put upon him. What did he do?  

He stepped forward. 

Jesus stepped towards Judas, his betrayer, and every Roman soldier who’d come to arrest him. 

I don’t know all of the implications of this statement, but knowing my impulse would be to run, I think it’s pretty amazing that Jesus stepped towards this evil plan—a plan hatched by the chief religious leaders. Jesus knew their hearts and had to be grieved that they didn’t believe he was the Son of God and even angry that they were leading an insurrection against God. But Jesus knew God’s redemptive plan and was committed to obeying his Father. 

He stepped forward. 

Is there an evil plan being instigated against you? Religious leaders may even be behind it—because that jealous, murderous spirit is still alive. I want to be like Jesus, don’t you? I want to step forward. 

God, give us the strength, courage, and resolve to step forward. 

Monday, September 23, 2024

His Name

In Jesus’ final prayer for His disciples, He prayed this: “Now I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to You, Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are.” John 17:11. 

The part that stuck out to me as I read it this week was, “Keep them through Your name.” What IS that name? And how does it keep (to attend to carefully, take care of, guard, reserve, preserve, keep His eye on) us? What if it’s not just one name—but every name? He is all of this and can do all of these things—but I have a feeling it doesn’t even touch the surface of Who God really is! (A big thank you to David Jeremiah for his work in putting these names and references together.) 


Jehovah (Isaiah 40:3)

Jehovah-Rohi: The Lord My Shepherd (Psalm 23:1)

Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord Shall Provide (Genesis 22:13-14)

Jehovah-Rapha: The Lord Who Heals (Exodus 15:22-26)

Jehovah-Nissi: The Lord Is My Banner (Exodus 17:15)

Jehovah-M’Kaddesh: The Lord Who Sanctifies (Leviticus 20:7-8)

Jehovah-Shalom: The Lord Who Is Peace (Judges 6:24)

Jehovah-Tsidkenu: The Lord Who Is Righteous (Jeremiah 23:5-6)

Jehovah-Shammah: The Lord Who Is There (Ezekiel 48:35)

Author of Salvation (Hebrews 2:10)

The God of Abraham, Jacob, and Isaac (Exodus 3:2, 6)

The Lord of Glory (1 Corinthians 2:8)

I AM (John 8:58)

The Almighty (Revelation 1:8)

The Everlasting Father (Isaiah 9:6)

The First and the Last (Revelation 1:17)

The Faithful Witness (Psalm 89:36-37)

The Image of the Invisible God (Colossians 1:15)

Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God (Isaiah 9:6)

A Sacrifice (Ephesians 5:2)

A Ransom (Mark 10:45)

The Lord Who Heals You (Exodus 15:26)

Heir of All Things (Hebrews 1:1-4)

The Temple (Revelation 21:22)

A Sanctuary (Isaiah 8:14)

Intercessor (Hebrews 7:25)

Author and Finisher of Our Faith (Hebrews 12:2)

Advocate (1 John 2:1)

Surety of a Better Covenant (Hebrews 7:22)

Teacher (John 13:13)

The Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25)v

The Wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:24)

Yahweh (Isaiah 26:4)

God (1 Timothy 2:5)

Son of God (John 1:34)

Beloved Son (Matthew 17:5)

Lord (John 20:28)

The Word (John 1:1)

Messiah (Daniel 9:25)

Alpha and Omega (Revelation 22:13)

Savior (Luke 2:11)

Redeemer (Job 19:25)

Light of the World (John 8:12)

Lamb of God (John 1:29)

Creator of All Things (Colossians 1:16)

Master (Luke 8:24)

Mediator (1 Timothy 2:5)

Bread of Life (John 6:48)

High Priest (Hebrews 3:1)

The Lamb (Revelation 7:9)

A Lamb Without Blemish and Without Spot (1 Peter 1:19)

Lamb Slain From the Foundation of the World (Revelation 13:8)

The Shepherd of The Sheep (Hebrews 13:20)

The Way (John 14:6)

The Good Shepherd (John 10:11)

The Chief Shepherd (1 Peter 5:4)

The Rock (Psalm 18:2)

My Rock and My Fortress (Psalm 31:3)

The Rock of My Refuge (Psalm 94:22)

The Rock That Is Higher Than I (Psalm 61:2)

The Rock of My Salvation (2 Samuel 22:47)

My Rock and My Redeemer (Psalm 19:14, NIV)

The Builder (Hebrews 3:3)

The Foundation (1 Corinthians 3:11)

A Sure Foundation (Isaiah 28:16)

A Stone (Isaiah 28:16)

A Living Stone (1 Peter 2:4)

A Chief Cornerstone (1 Peter 2:6)

A Precious Stone (1 Peter 2:6)

A Stone Cut Without Hands (Daniel 2:34-35)

The Last Adam (1 Corinthians 15:45)

God’s Firstborn (Psalm 89:27)

The Firstborn Among Many Brethren (Romans 8:29)

The Firstfruits of Them That Slept (1 Corinthians 15:20, KJV)

A Witness to The People (Isaiah 55:4)

The Amen (Revelation 3:14)

The Light (John 12:35)

The True Light (John 1:9)

The Light of Men (John 1:4)

He Is the Lamb Who Was Slain (Revelation 5:12)

He Is Faithful (Hebrews 3:2)

He Is Our Strong Tower (Proverbs 18:10)

He Is Our Foundation (1 Corinthians 3:11)

He Is Preeminent (Colossians 1:18)

He Is the Tree of Life (Revelation 2:7)

The Bright and Morning Star (Revelation 22:16)

The Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:2)

He Is Our Gift (2 Corinthians 9:15)

The Head Ephesians 4:15

The Head of the Body, the Church (Colossians 1:18)

A Life-Giving Spirit (1 Corinthians 15:45)

The Head of All Principality and Power (Colossians 2:10)

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Spiritual Lineage

Have you ever considered your spiritual family lineage? I’m sure you know who led you to Christ. Was it your parents, a pastor, a friend? Who led them to the Lord? Could you trace it all the way back to Peter, James, John, or Thaddeus?

I’d never thought about tracing it to the disciples until I read John 17:20 this morning, “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their (Jesus’ disciples) word;”  Those who are now following Jesus have been influenced to follow Him because of one of the 12 disciples. They followed Him. They obeyed Him by taking the Good News to all of the world. And then their disciples shared…and on and on until we heard the Good News that Jesus came to save us from sin!

Father, thank You for Your disciples who have been faithful through the ages—until I heard and followed. Help me to faithfully be sharing the gospel with others.  In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


So many times, we think we can live off of past spiritual victories and fruitfulness. We can’t. We might be able to for a few days—but it’s not sustainable. John 15 teaches us there must be a constant abiding for fruit to appear. Imagine cutting a branch off of a grapevine—there ain’t gonna be no grapes popping up!  It dies. The same thing happens to us. We may feel twinges of guilt in the beginning, knowing we’re not abiding in Christ. And we’ll still speak of the things of God. But soon…it becomes evident, even to those around us, that something is dead inside of us. There’s no fruit. And when there’s no fruit, we live like we’re dead, we speak death, and our spirits shrivel up and appear lifeless. There’s no hope. Others can come and do spiritual CPR, but it takes ABIDING in Jesus for new life to appear. What is abiding? It’s a daily choice. Jesus said it’s His words abiding in us. We have to be in the Word. We have to be listening to His voice and obeying what He says. We have to be attached to Him…constantly. And soon, new fruit will appear. New love for Jesus will be evident to those around us. And if we’re abiding in Christ, we can ask for whatever we desire. JOY will spring up—and that joy will be full! Love for others will cascade out of our “very alive hearts” when we are abiding in Christ because we’re connected to His great love.   

Don’t try to live off of past victories. It won’t last. It can’t. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Get out of the dead branch pile and begin abiding in Jesus…today. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Let Truth be Your Backbone

Years ago, Andy & I began to learn how powerful truth is.  To know the truth, you have to be in God’s Word. It IS truth! Knowing the truth sets us FREE!  But also…when you believe the truth, speak the truth, pray the truth, and walk in truth, it is powerful. It builds your confidence. Before knowing and understanding this, we would cower when confronted.  But once we started walking in truth, it gave us a backbone!  There’s confidence—because you KNOW the truth and can’t be manipulated or bamboozled. Truth also exposes sin. God wants us strengthened by the truth. Pursue truth! You won’t regret it.

Monday, September 9, 2024

The Paradox

There was quite a paradox which existed in Jesus’ life. In John 6, Jesus went away alone to avoid being crowned king by the people. And then in John 7, we see him avoiding an area to keep from being killed. He lived a life of tension—he was loved or hated, wanted or despised. In fact, he says he chose the 12 disciples and one was a devil. He did life with the enemy. 

Right now, I can think of a dozen situations, in the lives of people I love, who are living in this kind of tension. They’re doing life with an enemy. It’s hard!!  Every day, a monkey wrench is thrown into the middle of their lives. They live with hatred. And yet they are deeply loved by the Father. 

What can we learn from Jesus who lived this first?
1. He knew Who loved him most—His Father. 
2. He kept his focus on eternity. 
3. He came to do ONLY the will of his Father. 
4. He lived out his purpose. He said he laid his life down on his own—man wasn’t in control. 
5. He didn’t listen to man—either the ones who loved him or those who hated him. 

Jesus told us this world would be full of this tension between good and evil. We CAN live in this darkness and be victorious! We just have to drown out every voice—but the Father’s. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024


“Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” Ephesians 6:13. 

Sometimes we get so caught up in the descriptive terms of our spiritual armor (ex: HELMET of salvation), that we overlook what it actually represents. If we were to take out the descriptive terms, this is the armor God says we need for our earthly battle:

•Preparation to share the Good News
•Salvation—Jesus, who embodies salvation
•Spirit of God
•Spoken word of God
•Don’t forget to add prayer and supplication—and to speak boldly of the gospel!

We’re to put the whole armor on. If we only have a portion of it, we’re open to attack and being badly wounded by the enemy. After we put it on, we’re to withstand the enemy. To withstand means to resist, oppose, take a firm stand against. This is an offensive and defensive stance.

You put this armor on with deliberate action and choice. You step into it. You pick it up. Practically speaking, you choose to follow Jesus, you live by truth and in righteousness (or right living), you read the Word daily, you train to share your faith, you walk by faith, you listen to and obey the Spirit, you pray your heart out—alone and with others. You mature and grow…it takes a lifetime to become a warrior of renown! But every single increment of growth counts. 

What is the evil day? It’s the day of annoyances, hardships, and pressing. It’s a time that is full of peril to the Christian faith. A day in which the enemy is trying to take out the steadfast and hurt their influence. It’s flat-out wicked! 

But…stand. When you’ve put on God’s armor and you’ve learned to walk this way, STAND. You have established yourself. You have sustained authority. Your footing is fixed. 


Monday, August 26, 2024

Friend vs. Friendly

There’s a difference between being a friend and just being friendly, isn’t there? We can be kind and friendly to everyone. But a friend invests time, emotion, and space. They open their hearts, lives, and homes. 

We’ve moved from city to city and making new friends is always tricky. Someone has to open themselves up to you and you have to be willing to step into that space. I’ll never forget moving to Borger. The first week we were there, we went to a high school football game. I was sitting with my four kids, and two women came bouncing down the bleachers and sat and talked to me half of the game. We became close friends…which opened us up to their circle of friends. 

If we’re the permanent people, we need to make an effort to welcome new people. It’s so easy to get comfortable with our friends and want to close ranks.  But oh what we miss when we do that! We miss being the expression of Jesus. We miss new opportunities and friendships. We miss making sure new people feel welcome. 

If we’re new to a place, we have to make an effort, don’t we? We have to go to church, business, or town events and be friendly. We have to be willing to strike up a conversation with a neighbor. We have to quit hiding and just hoping friends materialize. We can even open ourselves up to the people who are newer than us!

Proverbs 18:24 says, “A man who has friends must himself be friendly.”  Another way of saying that is, “To have a friend, you must be a friend.” We’re living in a culture where it’s easy to just hide at home. We’re exhausted from long days and just want to chill. We’re friendly with a lot of people…but we’re not opening and investing ourselves. We NEED friends! I encourage you to step out. Invest yourself. Make a new friend this week. Don’t just be friendly…be a friend. These days are hard and we need good friends.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Journey to Jerusalem

“But they did not receive Him, because His face was set for the journey to Jerusalem.” Luke 9:53. 

Jesus knew what was ahead. Jerusalem. Torment. Death. But he set his face toward it. He kept trying to tell the disciples about his death to prepare them—but they couldn’t receive it. But who wants to receive the future of death? Even Jesus asked his Father if there was any other way!

We all face death. It’s a death not of your choosing. Death of a vision. Death of a ministry. Death of a marriage. Death of a business. Death of a friendship. Death…literal death. Jesus showed us how to face it:

1. Set your face toward it. Face death square in the face. Walk towards it. (Luke 9:53)
2. Ask the Father if there is any other way! (Matthew 26:29)
3. Ask friends to pray with you. (Matthew 26:38)
4. Submit to God’s plan. He loves you and only wants His best for you. (Matthew 26:42)

Here’s what God wants us to know. Death is not the end. Even Jesus’ death became the door by which we could enter heaven for all eternity by putting our faith in Him. Death is the seed put in the ground that then sprouts new life. 

But when you’ve set your face for the journey to Jerusalem, it’s hard to see that. Always remember, God is there…even in death. 

For if we have become one with Him by sharing a death like His, we shall also be [one with Him in sharing] His resurrection [by a new life lived for God].”  Romans 6:5 AMP

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Jesus is Lord

What does it mean when we say, “Jesus is Lord?” Lord means master, one who has control, the possessor and disposer of a thing, the one who decides. When we come to Jesus, we have to submit to His control. It’s the only way! He becomes the boss or master of our lives and it’s our “job” to obey and follow Him. 

Satan can’t stand losing control of us. But once we become God’s child, he no longer has control. Oh…he’ll try to make us think he’s in control. He’ll lie to us and manipulate us and our circumstances. He’ll whisper phrases like, “If only…” He’ll try to convince us a job or a spouse is controlling us and smothering us. He doesn’t care—he’ll use parents, peers, kids, finances, or lack of purpose (or lack of anything) to convince us he’s in control. He’ll tell us that we need to take action to protect ourselves because no one else is looking out for us. He wants us fighting and resisting one another.

But if you’ve chosen to follow Jesus, He is your master! You’ve entered a new kingdom where He is King. He is in control. And His instruction to you is to submit to Him and follow Him. It’s a relief, really…isn’t it? Someone who loves you is in control! Someone who cares about every detail of your life is in charge. Someone who wants the very best for you wants to direct not just your life—but even those around you. All you have to do is obey Him. He’s the Master, Lord, King, and Ruler of your life. 

Jesus is LORD.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Wilderness

The Wilderness

What is the wilderness? The Greek word is eremos which means a lonely, solitary, desolate, uninhabited, wasteland. When we went to Israel, we saw the wilderness—the desolate place where Jesus was tempted. Here’s what I found interesting as I read Luke 3 & 4 this week. John the Baptist came OUT of the wilderness to begin his ministry…and Jesus was led INTO the wilderness by the Spirit of God before he began his ministry. 

Have you ever been to the wilderness? I have. In fact, I’ve been there several times. It can feel like death. It’s a place where you’re shut in by God. There doesn’t seem to be any fruit. It’s a place of self-examination and of confrontation. Satan will accuse you, lie to you, and entice you there. It can feel like God has abandoned you. But He hasn’t…He’s preparing you. 

Luke 4:1 says, “Jesus, being filled with the Holy Spirit…was led by the Spirit into the wilderness.” The wilderness is intentional. It’s a place of testing and sharpening. It’s critical to your growth. It’s laying the groundwork for how God wants to use you. Unfortunately, you can give in to the scandalous lies and enticements of Satan and remain in the wilderness. It’s a terrible place to exist—with the enemy and death. God wants so much more for you!

Luke 4:11 says, “Then Jesus returned in the POWER OF THE SPIRIT to Galilee.” (Emphasis mine). The wilderness is to empower you for the work ahead. John came out of the wilderness and prepared the way for the Lord. Jesus came out of the wilderness and fulfilled God’s redemptive plan. 

You can come out of the wilderness empowered—empowered by the Spirit of God to participate in God’s kingdom plan! 

That’s the purpose of the wilderness.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Mary and Elizabeth

God was so gracious in giving Mary some distinct encouragements along the way of giving birth to the Messiah. One of those was to give her close relative, Elizabeth, a child. THE child who would prepare the way for Jesus. In fact, Gabriel told Mary that Elizabeth was with child. Elizabeth had been barren and was now old…but Gabriel said, “For with God, nothing will be impossible.”

Don’t you know it was a sign post to be told Elizabeth was with child? “Hurry!  Go to her! You can encourage one another.” Some theologians think these women were distant relatives. I think they were much closer. Their mothers may have been sisters—even though Elizabeth was old enough to be Mary’s mother or grandmother. If you have a big family, you know how that is possible. But for Mary to want to go to Elizabeth tells me they already had a strong relationship. 

Elizabeth’s baby leapt in her womb when she saw Mary and she KNEW Mary was the mother of God’s Son. They both praised God! Mary stayed with her for three months. I’m sure they helped and encouraged one another during a difficult time. Who better to help Mary, an unwed mother, than someone who’d endured wagging tongues over her own barrenness? How kind of God to “keep it in the family” by giving the one who would prepare the way of the Lord to Elizabeth, Mary’s relative. 

Mary had many encouragements from God along the way. But somehow…I feel this one was very precious.  

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Envy Kills

Envy kills. The chief priests handed Jesus over to be killed because of envy. (Mark 15:10) Envy is stronger than jealousy. Jealousy wants what another person has. Envy is willing to rip away what the other person has for himself—and he’ll go to any lengths to do it. Envy wants to be better than the other person—so he can’t have the other person looking good or succeeding. Envy is a reputation-killer.  Envy wants to look better than everyone else.

James 3:16 says, “For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.” You’ve probably seen it in action in your own community. I’ve seen a mother of a teen-age girl plot to make their daughter the most popular by destroying the reputation of other moms and daughters. This created an atmosphere of a group of girls becoming malicious and hate filled. I’ve seen business owners start rumors about competitors until those other businesses had to shut their doors. The whole town became a hotbed of evil. Envy is rampant!

I Corinthians 13:4 says, “Love does not envy.” If you find an envious person, you can know there is no love there. Turn away from them. God tells us not to even desire to be with them. Why? You’ll become like them—or get yourself killed. 

Because envy kills.  

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Jesus’ Compassion

When I’m ready to be alone…I’m ready to be ALONE! That’s where I recharge. I’ve been known to get away by myself for a week at a time. And when I’m alone, I don’t want contact with the outside world. 

There are two important stories back-to-back in Mark 7 & 8. The first says Jesus entered a house and wanted no one to know it. He’d just had a confrontation with the Pharisees and then spent time teaching his disciples what it meant. I can’t imagine how exhausted he was. He’d been traveling, healing, teaching, and doing miracles. Those all set him up for attacks from the enemy. So not only was he tired physically, but he was spent emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. If anyone deserved a break, it was Jesus. But instead, a Greek woman hears he’s in the house and comes and wants a demon cast out of her daughter. Instead of having her sent away, he interacts with this woman and then delivers her daughter—from where he sat. 

This may seem like a small thing. But Jesus was SPENT! He gave out of what he didn’t have. Instead of being exhausted and thinking only of himself, he sacrificed and gave. He leaves there and performs another miracle on his way to the Sea of Galilee…which brings us to chapter 8. 

It's here that Jesus spends three days teaching a multitude of over 4000 people. He tells his disciples, “I have compassion on these people because they’ve been listening to me teach for three days and have no food.  We can’t send them home like this or they may faint along the way.” Jesus doesn’t say, “Guys, I’ve been teaching for three days and have eaten very little. I’m exhausted. Will you figure out how to get these people some food and send them away while I go sleep?”  No. Jesus takes the little they find, blesses and breaks it, and feeds over 4000 people. 

Did you know that a person preaching a 30-minute sermon can expend the same amount of energy as someone working an 8-hour work day? They give mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Jesus had to have been exhausted—and coming off of a time when he was already spent! But…he had compassion. He didn’t ask the disciples to “fix it.”  Instead, he demonstrated how to give out of compassion when you have nothing left to give. He was always mentoring them…and us. 

We’re living in a day where the needs are great and people need to know about Jesus. We have a choice. I have a choice. I can come home tired, hide away, and kick my feet up…or I can have compassion for the hungry and feed them.

Which will you do?  Which will I do?

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Love Yourself

Love Yourself

Are we to love ourselves? I know…Mark 12:31 says to love your neighbor as yourself.  But can we love our neighbor if we don’t love ourselves? I’m not talking about taking it to the extreme and basking in self-love exclusively and becoming so self-absorbed that you’ve become a narcissist. That’s sinful. But are you free from self-hate and inner condemning voices? Have you forgiven yourself and others? Have you been released from thinking critically of yourself? If you haven’t, that’s the place to start before you can actively start being kind to yourself. And it takes the power of the Holy Spirit to do that spiritual surgery. 

Why is it so much easier to say we should do some self-care or be kind to ourselves rather than love ourselves? I think we’ve been taught it’s wrong to love ourselves.  Satan wants us stuck in a place of self-loathing so we never reach out to others in love—which is the second greatest commandment, by the way.  He knows if we live in a place of self-doubt, that commandment will never be fulfilled effectively.  

Sometimes, after we’ve walked through a particularly hard season or after we’ve spent time taking care of others extensively, we especially need to take care of ourselves…love ourselves. We’re living in stressful times—we need some relief! It can be as simple as listening to music, walking by a stream, eating a delicious meal, listening to children laugh, reading a book, browsing in a store you love, or getting away alone for a short period of time. Whatever it is, it needs to fill your soul. It needs to make you want to breathe in deeply and absorb the moment. It should calm any jangling nerves. It should bring rest.  

The greatest way to love yourself is to love God first. Turn your eyes to Jesus, read His Word, and let him speak to your heart. Let him rid you of every anxious thought. After He meets your needs, He will gently and clearly show you the next way to love someone else.  

Be kind to yourself. Give to yourself. Do some self-care. Get filled up! Love yourself. 

And then…love others.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Satan is a TERRORIST!

Gone are the days when we laughed about a red-horned Satan with a pitchfork! Satan’s not playing games anymore. He’s revealed the truth of who he is—and he’s the original and ultimate TERRORIST!

You could probably tell your own stories of his attacks. But let me tell you of one of my own. I’d committed to praying and fasting with a friend this past week. Satan immediately began attacking—Andy had a setback from his surgery. He’d been doing so well! He was already walking about three miles a day and had gotten back to preaching. But as soon as I began praying and fasting, he had a significant setback that landed us in the ER twice and the doctor’s office once. We thought for sure he would end up in the ER again three different times! Just a coincidence? You tell me! The attacks stopped when my fast was completed. *My friend encountered her own form of terrorism.  

Satan knows praying and fasting are terms of warfare. He’s no longer playing around. He sees those moves and counters them with his terrorism. His ultimate goal is to kill us—hopefully before we know Jesus. 

This isn’t to discourage you from praying and fasting!  Oh no!! This is to encourage you to step up your own wargaming! If we want to win…if we want to have sure and complete victory…we need to press into God with all we’ve got. We need to bring heaven to earth! We need to use the keys of the kingdom He’s given us. Pray the Word! Stand in faith with the Word! Petition God to defeat the enemy!! Pray and fast!

Satan is a liar, a deceiver, a bully, a fear mongerer, a sniper, a terrorist. He hates us with a vengeance. But he’s also defeated. Stand with God on that truth! God IS victory!

*By the way…we saw God break through in my friend’s life in a significant, yet unexpected, way after praying and fasting this week! Glory to God!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Checklist for a Good Shepherd

Jesus was the perfect shepherd. In fact, one of his names is the Good Shepherd. He also gave us a great example by how he shepherded his disciples. So what kind of shepherd am I? If you’re fulfilling the Great Commission by going into all the world and making disciples, you’re a shepherd, too. You also may be shepherding your own children. It’s not an easy job. It may be frustrating, you may get dirty, and it will be time-consuming…but the result of healthy sheep is its own great reward! This isn’t a comprehensive checklist. Let’s ask the Good Shepherd how we’re doing.  

•Are you taking care of the needs of the sheep? Are you giving them nourishing food with truth? Or are you just fattening them up with your own thoughts?

•Do you lead your sheep to quietness and rest? Or are they all running at a frenetic pace in circles, accomplishing very little in the kingdom of God?

•Are you teaching your sheep to listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd? 

•Do your sheep know you intimately? Are you available to them? Do you invite them near so they hear your voice—and know your voice? 

•Are you walking in righteousness? Or do you have hidden sins? You can’t lead in righteousness if you’re not walking in righteousness. 

•Do your sheep know you have their back? Do they know you won’t throw them to the wolves? Do you guard them with your life? Are you willing to go into full-fledged spiritual warfare on their behalf?

•Do you teach TRUTH even in the presence of the enemy—fearlessly? 

•Are you a healer? Do you personally care and apply prayer over the sheep? Are you teaching them how to take thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ?

•Do you rejoice with and over your sheep? Do you applaud their growth? Do you celebrate their victories?  Do you encourage them personally?

•Do you extend mercy and grace even when the sheep don’t quite “get it”?

•Where are you leading the sheep? If it’s anywhere other than God, you’re leading them in the wrong direction. 

•A good shepherd isn’t good because he fixates on improving his position.  In fact, he denies himself. He’s good because he has the good of the sheep in his heart. 

•A good shepherd gathers the lamb in his arms and carries him—it may be because the lamb can’t keep up or it may be to comfort him or to hear the shepherd’s heart. He gently leads the lambs. 

•A good shepherd knows how to protect the sheep from infighting. He disciplines them. He may separate rams who become aggressive when there are too many of them together. 

•A good shepherd bottle feeds the young who may have been rejected by their mothers.  

•Sheep smell. Sheep bite. Sheep wander. Sheep fight. The good shepherd knows all of these things and is on constant alert.  Shepherding can be exhausting—but he’s up for the challenge!

•Are you a shepherd or a hireling? 
A shepherd cares for every need intimately. A hireling cares for his own needs. A shepherd leads the sheep to pastures. A hireling drives them to slaughter. A shepherd protects the sheep. A hireling protects himself from the sheep. A shepherd is involved in the sheep’s messy births. A hireling is willing to sacrifice the sheep and just count his losses. A shepherd feeds the sheep nourishing food for their good. A hireling fattens the sheep with cheap food to sell them. The sheep knows the shepherd’s voice because he walks with them. The sheep don’t know the hireling—except from a distance. A shepherd grows his flock. A hireling wants growth—but it doesn’t have to be by birth. He’s willing to get sheep from other shepherd’s pastures. Intimacy with the shepherd creates safety. A lack of intimacy with a hireling feels safe—but safe from whom? The hireling? A good shepherd is willing to lay down his life for the sheep. A hireling runs at the first sign of danger. A good shepherd walks in truth and righteousness. A hireling runs from truth and hides his sin.  

•The good shepherd loves his sheep. He will protect them at all costs—even at great expense to himself. He sacrifices for the sheep because he loves them. 

The good news is God shepherds the shepherds. ❤️

Friday, June 28, 2024

The Idol of My Pain

God wants to search our hearts and show us any wicked way in us, according to Psalm 139. What is that wicked way? I went to Blue Letter Bible to see exactly what it means. It means “idol, pain, sorrow.” Instantly, my mind went to “the idol of pain and sorrow!” 

Stop! Look into your own heart. Are you worshiping at an idol of pain or sorrow? It could be something that happened in your childhood—because that’s when Satan starts attacking us. It might be something because of race or gender. It could be a place of lack in your life which caused pain…or the loss of a family member. Possibly it’s a way you’ve been treated by a spouse or friends.  It could be anything!

When we worship our pain and sorrow, we stop there…we stay there. We build a high place so we can go there often. We repeat the same phrases of praise to those idols over and over again, “It’s not FAIR! They hurt me!!” We lay flowers in front of that idol by saying, “No one understands,” and repeat once again as we pet it, “Life could have been so different if ‘this’ hadn’t happened.” Those idols are there to stay…until we tear them down. 

How do we tear down those idols we may have had for a lifetime? I’ll tell you how I did it. Four idols easily came to my mind. I repented of making my pain and sorrow an idol. I asked God to forgive me. Then I found four shards of crock and wrote the names of the idols on them. And I went and buried them. I told God I never wanted to worship there again. I gave my whole devotion to Him. 

More idols may be revealed at another time and I plan to repeat the process. God is committed to revealing any wicked way in me when I ask.  

Sunday, June 23, 2024

God’s Blueprint for Your Life

Did you know God has a blueprint for your life?  But He doesn’t reveal everything to you all at once. In fact, many times you have long periods of W-A-I-T-I-N-G.  

Moses, Joshua, Aaron & his sons, and 70 elders were called up to the mountain to meet with God. They didn’t just hear him—they saw Him and ATE with Him!  What an incredible experience. God told Moses to come up higher to receive the 10 commandments, so he and Joshua did—as the others descended the mountain to join the Israelites. Moses put Aaron & Hur in charge during his absence. After all, Aaron had just eaten with God and the two of them had held up Moses’ arms to win a fierce battle. 

Moses was gone for forty days. The people were tired of waiting and hatched a plan. They told Aaron to build them a god to lead them. So Aaron created a golden calf out of their sacrificial offerings of gold. While Aaron was using these gifts to create a golden idol, God was instructing Moses on the mountain to have the people bring their gold to create the ark for His presence.   

Moses was receiving God’s blueprint. That blueprint included Aaron’s robes and breastplate to lead as a high priest. While Aaron fashioned a golden calf, God was fashioning his future. 

What if God is about to reveal the blueprint for your life? I think the waiting is as important as the revelation of the “big plan.” It refines us and defines us. God’s blueprint deserves our attention and anticipation. 

Will you wait? I promise…God’s blueprint is worth waiting for. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

God’s Cycles

“Do I have to go around this mountain one more time?” Have you ever asked that? Since God is committed to our transformation, you’ll go through many cycles of growth. 

You may have found yourself going around a mountain of failure—in the same ol’ pattern—over and over and over. God hasn’t condemned you to that pattern. He wants you to learn more and more and more as you go around that mountain. He wants you to have VICTORY over that sin. He wants you to recognize Satan’s bait, his traps, and learn to avoid them. And you will…if you don’t stop! It’s the cycle of transformation.

I remember when Paul Burleson taught on Philippians 3:10, “That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death,”. Paul taught that we would would know Jesus, and then know His power, then we would fellowship in his sufferings by walking through a time of suffering ourselves, then we would be conformed to Him—dying to self. Then we would know MORE of Him—and the cycle would continue. It’s the cycle of abundant LIFE. 

I saw another pattern this week. It’s the cycle Jesus established in the beatitudes.  Read Matthew 5:3-12. Jesus says the poor in spirit (those who see and admit their spiritual poverty) are blessed—and they will possess the kingdom of heaven.  You move from poor in spirit to those that mourn (over their sin), to the meek, to those who hunger and thirst after righteousness—and on and on. It’s a cycle of spiritual growth. At the end of the cycle, there are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake. Theirs is the kingdom of heaven. It’s the very same reward as for the poor in spirit. I believe when we are persecuted, we again see our spiritual poverty. We can do nothing without the help of God. And the cycle starts all over. It’s the cycle of the blessing of spiritual growth.  

Don’t panic if you feel like you’re going in circles spiritually. You are! But you’re moving through the cycles of growth which never stops. But each time you begin again at a more mature starting point. God is committed to your growth. He is bringing you from glory to glory! Keep going around that mountain—it's a cycle of transformation, blessing, and growth which never ends.  

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Date, Retreat, Vacate

As part of our pre-marital counseling, our pastor, Paul Burleson, gave us some sound advice. These ideas were all implemented on a pastor’s salary—with four kids. It can be done!
1. Date weekly. That idea sounds easy before you get married, but add a couple of kids and a busy job or two, and it becomes hard. But the intent is spot on—stay connected. Don’t just go to a movie—go somewhere you can talk. Go on a walk or go get a cup of coffee and look into each other’s eyes as you talk. Listen to one another. Put a babysitter in your budget. Or better yet, trade out babysitting with friends.  
2. Retreat monthly. Get out of town as a couple. Ask the grandparents to watch the kids. Make it a priority to go somewhere overnight. Plan a romantic retreat or go camping somewhere you love. Take turns planning something and make an effort to really enjoy what the other has planned. Their plan will tell you a lot about who they are. And after all, that’s why this time away is important!  Get to know one another’s hearts. 
3. Vacate yearly. Again…just the two of you. Get away for a few days. Borrow a family cabin or motor home.  Get creative! You could even trade houses with friends from another city or state. Spend time talking and evaluating where you are relationally. Determine to make corrections where they’re needed. Make goals for your marriage and your ministry together. Listen to one another—really hear each other’s heart. It usually takes a couple of days to finally RELAX!  So spend more than a couple of days away. The whole family will benefit. 

These were some basic suggestions for our marriage—and ones we honestly took to heart. I would recommend these ideas to a new or even a long-lasting marriage. We can’t expect amazing returns with no investment. Invest in your marriage! More than that…guard your marriage. 

Friday, June 7, 2024

According to…

Andy once preached on Philippians 4:19 which says, “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” He made this point…

If a millionaire told you they wanted to give you a gift, would you be disappointed if they gave you $20? Of course you would! They didn’t give “according to” what they had. They gave chump change. If they’d given “according to” their riches, you would have been given thousands of dollars.  God owns it all. So when He gives according to his riches, He GIVES ACCORDING TO HIS RICHES!!

So take that same phrase, from the same Greek word “kata,” (according to) and look at Ephesians 3:20 with me. “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that is at work within us.”  God wants to do more than we can imagine!!  But it’s ACCORDING TO His power that is at work within us. What is that power? It’s His dynamite power—explosive power, power to work miracles! But is it effectively at work in you? 

How does that work?
1. We must believe we have this power living in us. This power is the inherent power of the Spirit and it moved in when we invited Christ into our lives.  
2. We have to be walking in faith—believing God for what He’s said. It’s hearing and believing the Word of God. “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” Romans 10:17. It’s standing on truth, believing the truth, speaking the truth, walking in truth, and acting on truth!
3. It’s giving up our power. “Not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.” Zechariah 4:6. We begin to think that what we can do is pretty good! And sometimes we CAN do some pretty profound things all on our own. But the question is, will we settle for what we can do?
4. We release the power of God which resides in us by faith. 
     a. We ask God if we’re agreeing with Him. Are  
         we walking in truth? Any sin to be confessed?
         Sin shuts down the power of God. 
     b. We purpose to do nothing on our own. We don’t 
         take a step without Him. We don’t use our power. 
     c. We listen and wait.  
     d. We obey what God tells us to do. 

Many times we miss the spectacular because we choose to work according to our power—which is finite and limited. If we’re walking with and obeying God, explosive, miraculous power could happen instantaneously. Many times though, God waits…waits to see if we’ll wait on Him. The point is, God WANTS to release His power through us!  He WANTS to do miracles. And He WANTS us to be the funnel through which His miracles flow! If we release His power that is in us through faith, He will blow our minds! We will be walking in the miraculous…all ACCORDING TO the power that is at work in us.  

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Strike the Shepherd

I’ve been feeling something deep in my spirit. Shepherds are under attack. I’ve been trying to weigh it out in my mind, “Why the shepherds?” This morning, I was reading Zechariah 13 and verse 7 confirmed it.  Awake, O sword, against My Shepherd, against the Man who is My Companion,” says the Lord of hosts. “Strike the Shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered; then I will turn My hand against the little ones.” 

I know this is talking about Jesus. He was stricken by the Enemy and His sheep (disciples) scattered. But doesn’t Satan work the same way today with God’s people? Strike the leader so the sheep will scatter. 

Pray for your pastor, your shepherd. They’re under attack like I’ve never seen in almost 50 years of ministry. Pastors all over the world are being attacked with persecution, health issues, financial issues, marriage problems, prodigal children, and more. Many are walking away having turned to deception. Many are trying to rule the church when they’re not ministering to their own families. (II Timothy 3). 

The sheep won’t be safe if the shepherds fall.  

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Do you ever find yourself shutting down and going into self-preservation mode? I do. I honestly hate that place. It can become debilitating.  It’s also a powerless place to live.  

God began unlocking my heart today and exposing where self-preservation had moved in. I was more concerned about hurting a relationship than I was about that person’s eternal destiny. 

Revelation 12:11 says, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.”

We overcome by salvation—the blood of the Lamb applied to our hearts, covering our sin. We overcome by our testimony—how we’ve seen God work in our lives. No one can dispute what we’ve seen, heard, and experienced. But we also overcome by not loving our lives to the death—not going into self-preservation mode. It’s being willing to risk it all—even in the face of death. Every disciple of Jesus paid a high price for following Him. We may, too. 

Risk.it.all. Risk it all, Becky!!