Tuesday, September 17, 2024


So many times, we think we can live off of past spiritual victories and fruitfulness. We can’t. We might be able to for a few days—but it’s not sustainable. John 15 teaches us there must be a constant abiding for fruit to appear. Imagine cutting a branch off of a grapevine—there ain’t gonna be no grapes popping up!  It dies. The same thing happens to us. We may feel twinges of guilt in the beginning, knowing we’re not abiding in Christ. And we’ll still speak of the things of God. But soon…it becomes evident, even to those around us, that something is dead inside of us. There’s no fruit. And when there’s no fruit, we live like we’re dead, we speak death, and our spirits shrivel up and appear lifeless. There’s no hope. Others can come and do spiritual CPR, but it takes ABIDING in Jesus for new life to appear. What is abiding? It’s a daily choice. Jesus said it’s His words abiding in us. We have to be in the Word. We have to be listening to His voice and obeying what He says. We have to be attached to Him…constantly. And soon, new fruit will appear. New love for Jesus will be evident to those around us. And if we’re abiding in Christ, we can ask for whatever we desire. JOY will spring up—and that joy will be full! Love for others will cascade out of our “very alive hearts” when we are abiding in Christ because we’re connected to His great love.   

Don’t try to live off of past victories. It won’t last. It can’t. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Get out of the dead branch pile and begin abiding in Jesus…today. 

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