Sunday, June 23, 2024

God’s Blueprint for Your Life

Did you know God has a blueprint for your life?  But He doesn’t reveal everything to you all at once. In fact, many times you have long periods of W-A-I-T-I-N-G.  

Moses, Joshua, Aaron & his sons, and 70 elders were called up to the mountain to meet with God. They didn’t just hear him—they saw Him and ATE with Him!  What an incredible experience. God told Moses to come up higher to receive the 10 commandments, so he and Joshua did—as the others descended the mountain to join the Israelites. Moses put Aaron & Hur in charge during his absence. After all, Aaron had just eaten with God and the two of them had held up Moses’ arms to win a fierce battle. 

Moses was gone for forty days. The people were tired of waiting and hatched a plan. They told Aaron to build them a god to lead them. So Aaron created a golden calf out of their sacrificial offerings of gold. While Aaron was using these gifts to create a golden idol, God was instructing Moses on the mountain to have the people bring their gold to create the ark for His presence.   

Moses was receiving God’s blueprint. That blueprint included Aaron’s robes and breastplate to lead as a high priest. While Aaron fashioned a golden calf, God was fashioning his future. 

What if God is about to reveal the blueprint for your life? I think the waiting is as important as the revelation of the “big plan.” It refines us and defines us. God’s blueprint deserves our attention and anticipation. 

Will you wait? I promise…God’s blueprint is worth waiting for. 

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