Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Journey to Jerusalem

“But they did not receive Him, because His face was set for the journey to Jerusalem.” Luke 9:53. 

Jesus knew what was ahead. Jerusalem. Torment. Death. But he set his face toward it. He kept trying to tell the disciples about his death to prepare them—but they couldn’t receive it. But who wants to receive the future of death? Even Jesus asked his Father if there was any other way!

We all face death. It’s a death not of your choosing. Death of a vision. Death of a ministry. Death of a marriage. Death of a business. Death of a friendship. Death…literal death. Jesus showed us how to face it:

1. Set your face toward it. Face death square in the face. Walk towards it. (Luke 9:53)
2. Ask the Father if there is any other way! (Matthew 26:29)
3. Ask friends to pray with you. (Matthew 26:38)
4. Submit to God’s plan. He loves you and only wants His best for you. (Matthew 26:42)

Here’s what God wants us to know. Death is not the end. Even Jesus’ death became the door by which we could enter heaven for all eternity by putting our faith in Him. Death is the seed put in the ground that then sprouts new life. 

But when you’ve set your face for the journey to Jerusalem, it’s hard to see that. Always remember, God is there…even in death. 

For if we have become one with Him by sharing a death like His, we shall also be [one with Him in sharing] His resurrection [by a new life lived for God].”  Romans 6:5 AMP

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