Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Checklist for a Good Shepherd

Jesus was the perfect shepherd. In fact, one of his names is the Good Shepherd. He also gave us a great example by how he shepherded his disciples. So what kind of shepherd am I? If you’re fulfilling the Great Commission by going into all the world and making disciples, you’re a shepherd, too. You also may be shepherding your own children. It’s not an easy job. It may be frustrating, you may get dirty, and it will be time-consuming…but the result of healthy sheep is its own great reward! This isn’t a comprehensive checklist. Let’s ask the Good Shepherd how we’re doing.  

•Are you taking care of the needs of the sheep? Are you giving them nourishing food with truth? Or are you just fattening them up with your own thoughts?

•Do you lead your sheep to quietness and rest? Or are they all running at a frenetic pace in circles, accomplishing very little in the kingdom of God?

•Are you teaching your sheep to listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd? 

•Do your sheep know you intimately? Are you available to them? Do you invite them near so they hear your voice—and know your voice? 

•Are you walking in righteousness? Or do you have hidden sins? You can’t lead in righteousness if you’re not walking in righteousness. 

•Do your sheep know you have their back? Do they know you won’t throw them to the wolves? Do you guard them with your life? Are you willing to go into full-fledged spiritual warfare on their behalf?

•Do you teach TRUTH even in the presence of the enemy—fearlessly? 

•Are you a healer? Do you personally care and apply prayer over the sheep? Are you teaching them how to take thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ?

•Do you rejoice with and over your sheep? Do you applaud their growth? Do you celebrate their victories?  Do you encourage them personally?

•Do you extend mercy and grace even when the sheep don’t quite “get it”?

•Where are you leading the sheep? If it’s anywhere other than God, you’re leading them in the wrong direction. 

•A good shepherd isn’t good because he fixates on improving his position.  In fact, he denies himself. He’s good because he has the good of the sheep in his heart. 

•A good shepherd gathers the lamb in his arms and carries him—it may be because the lamb can’t keep up or it may be to comfort him or to hear the shepherd’s heart. He gently leads the lambs. 

•A good shepherd knows how to protect the sheep from infighting. He disciplines them. He may separate rams who become aggressive when there are too many of them together. 

•A good shepherd bottle feeds the young who may have been rejected by their mothers.  

•Sheep smell. Sheep bite. Sheep wander. Sheep fight. The good shepherd knows all of these things and is on constant alert.  Shepherding can be exhausting—but he’s up for the challenge!

•Are you a shepherd or a hireling? 
A shepherd cares for every need intimately. A hireling cares for his own needs. A shepherd leads the sheep to pastures. A hireling drives them to slaughter. A shepherd protects the sheep. A hireling protects himself from the sheep. A shepherd is involved in the sheep’s messy births. A hireling is willing to sacrifice the sheep and just count his losses. A shepherd feeds the sheep nourishing food for their good. A hireling fattens the sheep with cheap food to sell them. The sheep knows the shepherd’s voice because he walks with them. The sheep don’t know the hireling—except from a distance. A shepherd grows his flock. A hireling wants growth—but it doesn’t have to be by birth. He’s willing to get sheep from other shepherd’s pastures. Intimacy with the shepherd creates safety. A lack of intimacy with a hireling feels safe—but safe from whom? The hireling? A good shepherd is willing to lay down his life for the sheep. A hireling runs at the first sign of danger. A good shepherd walks in truth and righteousness. A hireling runs from truth and hides his sin.  

•The good shepherd loves his sheep. He will protect them at all costs—even at great expense to himself. He sacrifices for the sheep because he loves them. 

The good news is God shepherds the shepherds. ❤️

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