Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Satan is a TERRORIST!

Gone are the days when we laughed about a red-horned Satan with a pitchfork! Satan’s not playing games anymore. He’s revealed the truth of who he is—and he’s the original and ultimate TERRORIST!

You could probably tell your own stories of his attacks. But let me tell you of one of my own. I’d committed to praying and fasting with a friend this past week. Satan immediately began attacking—Andy had a setback from his surgery. He’d been doing so well! He was already walking about three miles a day and had gotten back to preaching. But as soon as I began praying and fasting, he had a significant setback that landed us in the ER twice and the doctor’s office once. We thought for sure he would end up in the ER again three different times! Just a coincidence? You tell me! The attacks stopped when my fast was completed. *My friend encountered her own form of terrorism.  

Satan knows praying and fasting are terms of warfare. He’s no longer playing around. He sees those moves and counters them with his terrorism. His ultimate goal is to kill us—hopefully before we know Jesus. 

This isn’t to discourage you from praying and fasting!  Oh no!! This is to encourage you to step up your own wargaming! If we want to win…if we want to have sure and complete victory…we need to press into God with all we’ve got. We need to bring heaven to earth! We need to use the keys of the kingdom He’s given us. Pray the Word! Stand in faith with the Word! Petition God to defeat the enemy!! Pray and fast!

Satan is a liar, a deceiver, a bully, a fear mongerer, a sniper, a terrorist. He hates us with a vengeance. But he’s also defeated. Stand with God on that truth! God IS victory!

*By the way…we saw God break through in my friend’s life in a significant, yet unexpected, way after praying and fasting this week! Glory to God!!

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