Sunday, August 18, 2024

Jesus is Lord

What does it mean when we say, “Jesus is Lord?” Lord means master, one who has control, the possessor and disposer of a thing, the one who decides. When we come to Jesus, we have to submit to His control. It’s the only way! He becomes the boss or master of our lives and it’s our “job” to obey and follow Him. 

Satan can’t stand losing control of us. But once we become God’s child, he no longer has control. Oh…he’ll try to make us think he’s in control. He’ll lie to us and manipulate us and our circumstances. He’ll whisper phrases like, “If only…” He’ll try to convince us a job or a spouse is controlling us and smothering us. He doesn’t care—he’ll use parents, peers, kids, finances, or lack of purpose (or lack of anything) to convince us he’s in control. He’ll tell us that we need to take action to protect ourselves because no one else is looking out for us. He wants us fighting and resisting one another.

But if you’ve chosen to follow Jesus, He is your master! You’ve entered a new kingdom where He is King. He is in control. And His instruction to you is to submit to Him and follow Him. It’s a relief, really…isn’t it? Someone who loves you is in control! Someone who cares about every detail of your life is in charge. Someone who wants the very best for you wants to direct not just your life—but even those around you. All you have to do is obey Him. He’s the Master, Lord, King, and Ruler of your life. 

Jesus is LORD.

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