Saturday, September 7, 2024


“Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” Ephesians 6:13. 

Sometimes we get so caught up in the descriptive terms of our spiritual armor (ex: HELMET of salvation), that we overlook what it actually represents. If we were to take out the descriptive terms, this is the armor God says we need for our earthly battle:

•Preparation to share the Good News
•Salvation—Jesus, who embodies salvation
•Spirit of God
•Spoken word of God
•Don’t forget to add prayer and supplication—and to speak boldly of the gospel!

We’re to put the whole armor on. If we only have a portion of it, we’re open to attack and being badly wounded by the enemy. After we put it on, we’re to withstand the enemy. To withstand means to resist, oppose, take a firm stand against. This is an offensive and defensive stance.

You put this armor on with deliberate action and choice. You step into it. You pick it up. Practically speaking, you choose to follow Jesus, you live by truth and in righteousness (or right living), you read the Word daily, you train to share your faith, you walk by faith, you listen to and obey the Spirit, you pray your heart out—alone and with others. You mature and grow…it takes a lifetime to become a warrior of renown! But every single increment of growth counts. 

What is the evil day? It’s the day of annoyances, hardships, and pressing. It’s a time that is full of peril to the Christian faith. A day in which the enemy is trying to take out the steadfast and hurt their influence. It’s flat-out wicked! 

But…stand. When you’ve put on God’s armor and you’ve learned to walk this way, STAND. You have established yourself. You have sustained authority. Your footing is fixed. 


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