Monday, September 9, 2024

The Paradox

There was quite a paradox which existed in Jesus’ life. In John 6, Jesus went away alone to avoid being crowned king by the people. And then in John 7, we see him avoiding an area to keep from being killed. He lived a life of tension—he was loved or hated, wanted or despised. In fact, he says he chose the 12 disciples and one was a devil. He did life with the enemy. 

Right now, I can think of a dozen situations, in the lives of people I love, who are living in this kind of tension. They’re doing life with an enemy. It’s hard!!  Every day, a monkey wrench is thrown into the middle of their lives. They live with hatred. And yet they are deeply loved by the Father. 

What can we learn from Jesus who lived this first?
1. He knew Who loved him most—His Father. 
2. He kept his focus on eternity. 
3. He came to do ONLY the will of his Father. 
4. He lived out his purpose. He said he laid his life down on his own—man wasn’t in control. 
5. He didn’t listen to man—either the ones who loved him or those who hated him. 

Jesus told us this world would be full of this tension between good and evil. We CAN live in this darkness and be victorious! We just have to drown out every voice—but the Father’s. 

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