Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Wilderness

The Wilderness

What is the wilderness? The Greek word is eremos which means a lonely, solitary, desolate, uninhabited, wasteland. When we went to Israel, we saw the wilderness—the desolate place where Jesus was tempted. Here’s what I found interesting as I read Luke 3 & 4 this week. John the Baptist came OUT of the wilderness to begin his ministry…and Jesus was led INTO the wilderness by the Spirit of God before he began his ministry. 

Have you ever been to the wilderness? I have. In fact, I’ve been there several times. It can feel like death. It’s a place where you’re shut in by God. There doesn’t seem to be any fruit. It’s a place of self-examination and of confrontation. Satan will accuse you, lie to you, and entice you there. It can feel like God has abandoned you. But He hasn’t…He’s preparing you. 

Luke 4:1 says, “Jesus, being filled with the Holy Spirit…was led by the Spirit into the wilderness.” The wilderness is intentional. It’s a place of testing and sharpening. It’s critical to your growth. It’s laying the groundwork for how God wants to use you. Unfortunately, you can give in to the scandalous lies and enticements of Satan and remain in the wilderness. It’s a terrible place to exist—with the enemy and death. God wants so much more for you!

Luke 4:11 says, “Then Jesus returned in the POWER OF THE SPIRIT to Galilee.” (Emphasis mine). The wilderness is to empower you for the work ahead. John came out of the wilderness and prepared the way for the Lord. Jesus came out of the wilderness and fulfilled God’s redemptive plan. 

You can come out of the wilderness empowered—empowered by the Spirit of God to participate in God’s kingdom plan! 

That’s the purpose of the wilderness.

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