Monday, September 30, 2024

The First Deacons

In Acts 6, we see where and why the first deacons were established. The crowd of people following Jesus was growing and they were sharing everything—even meals. The Hellenists were complaining that their widows were being neglected in the distribution of food. So the twelve disciples told the people to choose seven men who could concentrate on serving (diakoneĊ the Greek word from which we get deacon). 

These men were to:
1. Have a good reputation
2. Be full of the Spirit
3. Have wisdom
4. Be willing to serve. 

Stephen was the first chosen. The 12 disciples laid hands on him and the other six men chosen to set them apart to serve as deacons. The description of him says he was full of faith and the Holy Spirit. He was full of power and did wonders and signs among the people. When he was accused by the Freedmen, they were not able to resist the wisdom and Spirit by which he spoke. As he spoke, his face shone like an angel’s. He spoke clearly and accused these men (and their forefathers) of killing the prophets—he was fearless. They decided to kill him by stoning him; Stephen was the first martyr of the faith after Jesus had returned to heaven. As he died, Stephen saw Jesus standing at the right hand of his Father and he forgave his assassins and asked Jesus not to hold his death against them. 

The first deacon served tables and distributed food to widows. He was full of faith and the Holy Spirit. He did signs and wonders. He was able to teach with wisdom that couldn’t be resisted. He was willing to lay down his life for truth. He forgave his killers. 

The life and example of the first deacon. Even with the Holy Spirit working so powerfully in his life, he was willing to serve tables. 

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