We get to choose. Will we live under blessing or curse? There is no middle ground. You either choose to follow God and live under His blessing…or you choose to walk away from God into curses. Now following God doesn’t mean bad things won’t happen to you—they still will! God told us to expect that. But the difference is God walks with you and helps you.
Stop for a minute and think about families you know who love God and follow Him with all of their hearts. How would you describe them? How would you describe those who don’t follow Jesus? My general adjectives for Jesus-followers would be happy, full of life and light, healthy, good boundaries, fulfilled, joyful, and full of hope. Those who have rejected God? I would say they are mostly unhappy, chaotic, hopeless, dark, angry, a you-owe-me mentality, or an insatiable appetite for what the world offers. There’s no middle ground. None.
It’s in ALL of us to want to be happy and fulfilled. And it all comes down to this: Will you choose to love and follow God? He’s the way, He’s the truth, and He’s the life! And there’s no life apart from Him. There’s no fulfillment on earth apart from him..and there’s no eternal life apart from Him.
I implore you…choose God!! Choose blessing.
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