I've been stuck on this verse for a few weeks. Matthew 24:12, "And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold." The context of the verse is talking about the last days. And we all know lawlessness is abounding. We have no idea what's ahead.
But it's actually the last part of the verse that's been stuck on my mind. "The love of many will grow cold." I've found myself growing cold. Not all at once...I would have noticed that. But it's been gradual. And suddenly, I found myself enjoying being alone more than hosting in my home. I know it's not wrong to want to be alone some...but I've gotten to where it's an ordeal to get out of my box and hang around people. And it scared me.
Then Carl Duso was teaching on Mark 14 in Sunday School about Jesus taking Peter, James & John to the garden to pray. You remember the story---the disciples fell asleep. When Jesus came to wake them up, He said to Peter, "Simon, are you asleep? Could you not watch for one hour?" Did you catch it? He said to Peter, "SIMON..." Why did he call Peter "Simon?" That was his old name but Jesus had renamed him "Peter." I think Jesus was addressing Simon's flesh. He was saying, "Simon, you're asleep. You're giving in to your flesh and what it wants to do. Wake up!! You don't know what's ahead of you!!" And soon after that, Peter denied Jesus three times.
It's dangerous to be asleep in these days. I don't want my love to grow cold. I know I need the fellowship of other believers but more importantly, I need to be in love with God. I need a prayerful life. After all, I don't know what's ahead.
Interesting! In my mind, I've always interpreted this verse simply as our love for God will grow cold. But it doesn't specify that! In this day of internet, it's easy to keep relationships distant!
Exactly, Sandra! I think it includes love for God, for His church and for one another.
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