Friday, March 19, 2010

Moses' humanness

I think we hear the wonderful stories of great men of faith so often that it loses its humanness in our minds.  I was reminded of that this past Sunday in Sunday School.  We were studying Moses--at his birth.  (Exodus 1-2)
Think about it.  It was a traumatic time.  All of the Hebrew baby boys were being killed but God gave Moses' mother a plan to save his life.  She put him in an ark and the Pharoah's daughter found him and wanted him for her own.  Enter Moses' sister who offers to find a nurse maid for him--his own mother who was paid to nurse him.
Now move forward 4-6 years, as some suppose.  (Or even 2-3 years--doesn't make it any easier!)  Moses has been nursed and loved by his own mother for those years.  And you have to assume she was teaching him everything she possibly could, preparing him for his next life in the palace.  (And we feel pressure to teach our children enough by the time they're 18 and leave our homes!)  We're not told, but I can only assume he makes regular visits to the Pharoah's daughter during this time to build that relationship.  But then comes the day of the hand-off.  What is that like?  How traumatic!!  Can you imagine handing off your 4-year-old to be raised by another?  Or even your 6-year-old?  Now I have grandsons those ages and I can't even imagine how horrible that would be.  Of course, Moses' mother is weighing this hard option against the reality that Moses could have been dead.  But still...
Do you think this could be the reason that Moses stuttered?  (Exodus 4:10)  That's what hit me in Sunday School.  What kind of emotional damage did it do to Moses when he was taken from one home to another?
But however Satan intended to destroy Moses, God used it in His redemptive plan.  Moses was a man without a country.  The Hebrew saw him as an Egyptian.  The Egyptians saw him as Hebrew.  But God used this man who had been taken out of his home to take his people to a new home--the Promised Land.  That's how God uses our humanness.  That's God's redemption. 
How does God want to redeem what Satan has tried to destroy in your life?  In my life?  His plan is good and it's big.  He's all about redemption!

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