Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Asking God for Truth--2nd post

Isn't it interesting where you find Truth when you start searching for it?  I just happened to turn to a Christian television station and listened to a teacher of Hebrew.  He was actually teaching on the "kings of the earth" who are descendants of Esau.  He took the teaching all the way through Revelation.  But he went to Psalm 2: 2-3 which says, "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us."

I loved what he had to say about the kings of the earth, but when he got to these verses, he said that when it says to "break their bands," it actually means to break their traditions.  And where it says "cast away their cords,"  it actually means to cast away their fathers.
Isn't it interesting to think about our generation and what's happened?  The kings of the earth--those descendants of Esau who've set themselves against God--want to do away with our traditions and cast away our fathers.
It just seems to me that we've somewhat come in agreement with them.

1 comment:

Louise Leathers said...

And to know the consequences and think we might escape?? I saw a video where Vestel Goodman (sp) said, "God make us a nation you CAN bless." That has been my prayer with Sarah every morning. I know that means carrying us THROUGH the consequences, but how can He stay His hand when we have "set ourselves against God"?
Oh, I love your words!