Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I've lost a book!  Not just any book---a church library book.  You don't know how upset that makes me.  Being the former church librarian, I know how much work it is to initiate a new book into the library.  I have turned my house upside down (it got a good cleaning in the process!) to look for this book.  No such luck.  Guess I'll have to go tell my friendly librarian that it's gone.  For good.  The good news is that I just found the same book on sale at CBD for $2.99.  Now that's a bargain!
...wonder what else I need??  (You know...absolutely know...that as soon as I hit "purchase," I'll find this book.)


Lindsey said...

I know you will find it. And, if you do, you're only out $3!

Sandra said...

Then you'll have a copy to share!

amy wright said...

Now I see it. I was just on your page and really liked the colors, but I scrolled down to fast to notice the header. Cute!