Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day 6: Asking God for Truth


I hope you can actually read this article---it's all about me, my facebook, my blog---ME!!  What? A little obsessive?   Isn't that what II Timothy 2: 2 talks about?  Well, this is what has slowly been creeping into my spirit (in a good way, not a creepy way).  It just hit me one day as I was on facebook:  "Do we all just like our names up in headlines?"  Methinks we do.  And the Truth is, it's just a fulfillment of scripture.  That's the Truth God showed me today.

*Just so you know, I'm not giving up my facebook account or my blog.  But I'm having to retrain myself to use them as tools and not become obsessive with them.  Or...not to be a lover of myself.  And yes...I wrote the article by myself about myself.  And didn't actually come out in a newspaper--it's an online tool.


Cyndy Lyons-Hall said...

You are the most Amazing Person I know...Always giving of yourself and I would call you Obsessive ,but "I can't"...You have a truely amazing GIFT...AND it is directly from Our Savior! Keep-up and don't forget the Little peeps!!! LOL <3
In Christ Love, Cyndy Lyons-Hall

Lindsey said...

I was so disappointed when you said it wasn't a real article! I thought, "Awe, they're saying such sweet things about her!". You did a great job of writing about yourself. And no, you're not a self-obsessed narcissist. Don't worry.