Saturday, June 20, 2009

What I learned from Jay

You can have too much Gee in one day.
When I call the Wright household's home phone and they aren't there, I always leave a message. Not for Jay & Amy. For the grandkids. (Who, by the way, call me Gee.) And I always sing the song I sing to all of my grandkids---I Love You a Bushel & a Peck. Sometimes I sing it singularly or sometimes I've added a version to include everyone---I love you and you and you a bushel and a peck, a peck, a get the idea. Apparently, there are about three messages on the machine with me singing to the Wright kids. And Isaac & Josiah have learned which button to push to make me sing. can imagine hearing Gee sing three songs....over & over & over....
To which Jay told his precious children, "KIDS! THAT'S ENOUGH OF GEE FOR ONE DAY!"

LOL!!! I love it!! I wonder how many more times I can get this song on that machine???


Kallie G said...

Haha! That is great! Although, I'm sure your adorable grandkids would beg to differ!! :)

amy wright said...

Ha! I can't wait for Jay to read this and find out that I snitched on him. :)

Julie Simmons said...

priceless! i love it!

TheShermanFam said...
