Sunday, November 30, 2008

I just have to say...

I had a continual feast this Thanksgiving holiday (see Tuesday, Nov. 25 post). I'm so excited!! I didn't even need to resort to my chocolate bar at any time for comfort. I was reminded (and even quickened a couple of times) to walk in the Spirit. It was such a rewarding experience that I want to repeat it at Christmas! (I would say "every day," but I'm being realistic---I'll start with another holiday.) Last night, Andy even mentioned how "easy" this long weekend was---and that included visits from 3 kids and 4 grandkids, a continual houseguest, and visiting 2 mothers. That's pretty successful when your husband thinks it was easy---he tends to feed off of my stress and emotions! Thank you, Jesus!!!!


Anonymous said...

I am praising God with you! That is awesome!!!

Lindsey said...

Well, you know Mama is happy. I'm glad it was a great holiday for you! We sure enjoyed our short stay and wished it could've been longer.