Sunday, November 16, 2008


Tonight, we had our Thanksgiving meal and service at our church. Several people gave their testimonies of what they're thankful for. I'd like to tell you what I'm thankful for.
I'm so thankful for the body of Christ. This year has been one of the most amazing years of seeing the body come together to meet needs---from where I sit, anyway. We may not always agree. But we can still be in unity. I don't always agree with Andy, but I still love him. And even though we may not always agree, we can still work together for the common good of the body of Christ. I think that's something that has taken me some time to learn.
But isn't it amazing when we agree? Isn't it awesome to see people working together for others? God has put me in a unique position of knowing about needs and making those needs known. I LOVE seeing people falling all over themselves to help someone who needs the help. I love seeing people give when it's not even necessary---maybe someone else just needed encouragement. It makes me understand why Jesus loves his bride so much. When you see that kind of unity, that kind of agreement, you can understand why Jesus was willing to give his life...just because he loved us so much.
What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving season?


amy wright said...

I'm thankful that God moved us to Florida. As hard as it was to uproot, I couldn't have been planted in a better place. I hope that I am not a potato seed. I want to be an exotic, colorful flower! :)

Anonymous said...

I am thankful that God has lead me to a path of healing, that I have my family back, that I have a church full of people who care about me and my family, that I have wonderful friends and a wonderful job, that my life is so different from this time last year, that God saved me from death and addiction, and that Jesus is my best that is alot and I could go on and on!

Lindsey said...

I am thankful that God has had us on this weird, unnerving, awesome journey for the last 2 years. It has taught me so much about myself, David, and God. He is SO faithful, even when I am not. I am also thankful for the people like you and Andy and my mom who have closely walked through this with us and endured with us our trials and worries. Thank you, Becky, and thank You, Jesus!