Tuesday, November 11, 2008


It keeps coming up. That word. This morning, in my prayer time with my prayer partners, it came up again! Have you ever looked at the Proverbs 31 woman with that word in mind? Her life doesn't appear simplified. She worked through the night, she gave her maids their orders, she gave to the poor, she strengthened her arms, she bought real estate, she had a home-based business....etc., etc.
But God showed us something this morning. It's something I'd already been thinking on...but this morning, God got a little personal. I think the Proverbs 31 woman's life was simplified---even though it looks really busy. But here's why I think that. I believe she was doing what she was gifted to do and what she was called to do! Have you ever thought about that? Do you know how you're gifted? Do you know what God's called you to do? When I'm doing those things, I'm energized! I love it. And I could keep doing it for hours. Really! Can't you? I think that's even part of discovering what your gifts are. What energizes you?
And what is it that drains your energy? What do you dread doing? What things do you get yourself involved in that you wish you could get out of? That's what you need to simplify your life from!!
How did it get personal this morning? Well, we each discovered what was draining us---what we needed to simplify our lives from. And guess what? It was different for each of us! (Duh...) For one it was relationships; for another it was emotions; and for another, it was a way of doing things. Isn't God amazing how He can give one word and individualize it?
So...I'm back to simplifying. And now I have clear directions in how to do it.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I so need to simplify...but what do I cut out in order to do that...what is my gift...I thought I knew but now am not so sure. I guess that's something me and God need to work on!

Sandra said...

I'm with Holly! It can be oh so confusing!

Lindsey said...

Just keeps coming up, doesn't it? I think God may be on to something here...

As We Are said...

I LOVE to simplify. Just this week I started cleaning out closets and our house because it just seemed like too much stuff. I feel like it's the same way in my heart. I have to clean out some junk so I can see the order and simplicity. It's funny how when there is order and simplicity around us it is easier to feel that way inside. Or maybe that's just me!

Emily Suzanne said...

I love to simplify also... I just have to get the energy up to do it :)
As far as simplifying in my heart and spirit, this was so motivating for me to read!
I pressure myself to get everything done and then stress myself out trying to carry everything on my shoulders... God keeps reminding me today to let go of trying to do it all!

amy wright said...

This is such a desire for me and the whole reason that we started homeschooling. I want to live a simple, well-lived life.
It helps to move to a new place (bigger place) where you can kind of melt into the crowd until you figure out what you want to do. :)