Thursday, November 13, 2008

Difficult Relationships

Do you have any difficult relationships? I think most of us do. Can I share what I've learned over the years that may save you some heartache, stress, struggling, and expectations? Here it is: You may never get what you're wanting, desiring, needing, or hoping from that relationship.

First of all, let me say that I hope your difficult relationship isn't with your spouse. I've done a lot of counseling and I know it could be. If it is, let me just say that the only person you can change---is YOU! And if you're a wife, I'd encourage you to memorize, meditate on and drown yourself in I Peter 3. Let it become your best friend. I promise it will help you.

But if your difficult relationship is a parent, a sibling, an in-law, a pastor, or a friend, I'd encourage you to put your expectations in God---not in that person. In fact, let God meet all your needs! There's not another person on the face of the earth that can meet your needs. Here's a secret---God intended it to be that way---because He wants to be that person in your life! And if we can just realize that those people that you're having a difficult relationship with are probably hurt, damaged, or were abused--and they may not have worked through those issues and just don't know how to relate to you on the level you need.

I know I found peace when I admitted I was probably never going to be loved or accepted by the person I was hoping to find it from. And I spent so much time struggling and anguishing over it!! It's still a difficult relationship, but I'm just learning to love them, give to them, and help them without expecting anything in return. That's the difficult part. But isn't that what God called us to? He told us to love our neighbor as ourselves. And He gave the example of being a servant. Give...whether you get anything back or not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's because I have been abused and hurt so many times but I give to people all the time and VERY VERY rarely expect ANYTHING in a matter of fact I find it hard to accept anything from anyone...and THAT in and of itself destroys relationships...but I am working on it.
I think the only difficult relationship I have had and currently still do is with myself. As you know, I used to HATE myself, so much in fact that I attempted suicide more than once. I like myself better now but it is still something I struggle with daily!