Friday, April 30, 2010

We've seen God at work

What a week.  This time last week, we were in Amarillo for Andy's mom's surgery.  They found a melanoma on her head and removed it.  And all was well.  Andy had been to the doctor earlier in the week and had a stress test---but we hadn't heard the results yet.

We took Liz home and stayed with her for a couple of days until she was on her feet.  And then Monday happened. 

Since I'd taken 2 days off this week to go with Andy to the almost-thallium test and the real thallium test, I hadn't planned on going with him today to his follow-up appointment.  So I got up early and went to Living Water---very excited about the day.  Andy was going to bring Alexis (our 7-year-old granddaughter who was staying the weekend with us) to Living Water before he left for his doctor's appointment.  But when he came by, he told me he'd been up most of the night with arm pain and was uncertain whether he should drive to Amarillo.  I told him I'd drive and handed the reigns over to George Nies and the other very capable volunteers at Living Water.

When we got to Amarillo, we took Alexis to Aunt Lindsey's house to play with her cousins while we went to the doctor.  We found out Andy had failed the physical stress test and the thallium test.  Dr. Hernandez told us that he'd basically had the same results 8 years ago---but we'd never been told that!  So he said he needed to do a heart cath because the bottom right of his heart didn't appear to have much blood flow.  We agreed to the test and found out that because the test would be on Saturday, it woudn't be outpatient, but inpatient!  Woo-Hoo!  God's provision!!  We went home to get our things to come back to Amarillo for the night. 

Then....the hospital called us.  They'd talked to our insurance and told us our out-of-pocket expense would be $11,000.00.  What???  Stunned, once again.  But I told Andy that maybe that's why we'd taken out retirement.  And we prayed and asked God for mercy.  I called our insurance myself to find out what was going on.  (Didn't want to further stress out the heart patient!)  Turns out, it had been turned in as outpatient.  So I called the hospital to tell them that it wasn't outpatient, but inpatient.  She told me she'd get back with me.

When she called back, she said, "Have you had your prayer circle praying?  Because we've sure been praying here!!"  I thanked her and then asked what she'd found out.  We only have to pay $1000 deductible and then we'll be billed for our 20% later.  THANK YOU, JESUS!!!!  It's so amazing when God moves in.  And so fun when He puts His kids in our paths.

Neither Andy nor I are fearful.  We're blessed.  Oh!  And when we left the grandkids tonight, they were camped out in Buzz Lightyear's tent.  There's nothing like watching cousins play!!


Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing, Becky!!! I will continue to pray for Andy and am soooo very thankful about the outcome of the expenses and God's provision there. God is so good to us! I can just picture a Buz Lightyear tent in my future....or maybe Shriek?? One day....

Lindsey said...

So exciting to see God work! And we are so glad to have Alexis with us. She has been awesome!