Monday, April 26, 2010


While Andy was in China this month, he started having pain in his left arm that went up his arm and to the arteries in his neck.  We were so grateful that Dr. Matt Turner from Dalhart had gone on the trip with them and was able to keep a watch on him and help him.  So when Andy got home, he immediately went to our local physician who sent him to a cardiologist.  The first thing they did was a physical stress test.  We found out today that he flunked it.

He also had an echocardiogram and was set to have a thallium stress test today at NWTH in Amarillo.  When we got there, we found out we're not covered by our insurance for outpatient care.  We were quoted a reduced price for the test since we weren't covered, but would have had to pay for it immediately.  We felt like we needed time to think things through and to contact the cardiologist for all of his earlier test results to know if this test was really even needed.  So we left the hospital.  (If they'd wanted to test for stress, it would have been a perfect moment!!)  Later, as we thought it through, we realized the out-of-pocket expense wouldn't have been but about $600 difference with the reduced rate compared to 80% coverage at full rate and a deductible.

We talked to the nurse at the cardiologist's office and that's when we found out he'd failed the earlier physical stress test.  His echocardiogram showed that he has leaky valves---a moderate tricuspid valve leak and a mild mitral valve leak.  She told him that out of 35,000 patients with these symptoms, only 5 have had heart surgery from their office.  But...she told him he really needs the thallium (chemical) stress test because they suspect a clogged artery.  So he'll go back this Wednesday at 11 a.m. for the thallium test.  I'm not sure what/when the next step will be if they do find a clogged artery. So you can see that we need prayers--please!


Anonymous said...

We will definitely be praying for Andy and you! Keep us updated!

Lindsey said...

Maybe he and Ralph will have to start walking after all...ha! You know we're praying for you both!

Tammy said...


Kallie G said...

Ricky and I are praying for him!

Sandra said...

We are praying!

Sandra said...

We are praying!

Unknown said...

I will be praying for you guys. I believe God has a lot of work for Andy so I'm expecting Him to get the glory for all this!