Monday, October 25, 2010

Power of Prayer

How powerful has prayer been in your life?  What have you seen God do as a result of prayer?  I'm looking for some testimonies.  Please share!!


Sandra said...

Okay, I know this probably isn't what you're looking for but....

I could tell you about answered prayer - Mark being unemployeed for almost a year and us never going hungry, God's provision through jobs, God walking us through lung cancer with Scott and Dad's cancer, prayers for my children during struggles, facing Catherine's alzheimers, Mark's meniers and knee problems, etc. I have definitely seen God's power in those answered prayers. (even in "no" answers) BUT, I think I feel and see God's power better in daily prayers. For example, Mark is teaching a class using Michael Kelly's book Holy Vocabulary and in that I was reading about the prodigal son and saw the verse that pointed out the older brother: owner of it all yet living like a servant. And as I've meditated on that and prayed on it, God has gently begin to bring healing in areas of my life.

I know this is too long, but another example is Catherine's alzheimers. God hasn't chosen to heal her, but as I've prayed, He has begun to soften my heart toward her. Even though I never felt accepted or loved by her, I am beginning to be able to love her and desire to help her. So, I guess I'm saying is that I've learned and seen His power as much from no answers as I have from His saying yes. And have seen His power even more from prayers not requesting things but just in seeking Him.

Becky Dietz said...

Good word, Sandra! And I agree.

As We Are said...

Becky, I have seen it over and over again in my marriage and my family, and am currently waiting on it in quite a few areas. Hopefully I will have a few new cool stories to share :)