Friday, October 22, 2010

No Do-Overs

A thought came into my mind the other morning as I was reading a letter from Paul in the New Testament.  You can see the progressive growth in Paul's life through the letters.  And this was my thought, "It's interesting how God's message came through the progressive growth of a man like Paul.  And that God didn't go back and change a word of it!"

Think about it.  I mean...I know the scripture is God-breathed.  But God also used fallible men to write it.  And you see their humanness in their writings.  How many of us write something and then go back and destroy what we've written?  (You may not know this about me unless you read my blogs very often...but I frequently go back and rewrite some things on my blog.  For instance, I just inserted this sentence about 2 hours after I originally wrote the blog.)  I have a friend who has burned whole journals!  Look at David's writings in the Psalms.  Don't you think there were some songs he wrote that he wished he could change?  Even though they were God-breathed, I believe that these men were human enough to wish they could re-write history...or at least their letters and songs.

But in this instance, God didn't do Do-Overs.  He left them as they were.  I think it was to encourage see someone else's humanness and to see how God worked in those lives.  It's one time I'm grateful God didn't allow Do-Overs.

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