Monday, December 12, 2011


I love the Duggar family and what they stand for and watch their show every chance I get.  I was very saddened to learn that Michelle recently had a miscarriage.  God bless her and the whole family!!  It particularly disturbs me when I read comments on Facebook from Christians about the size of their family.  First of all, it's none of our business.  Period.  I remember years ago when I heard Major Ian Thomas teach on Nehemiah.  He asked, "What was a Jew doing in the palace of Shushan, serving an ungodly king?"  And he made that same comment--it's none of our business.  God had a plan.  Just like he does for the Duggar family.

Secondly, when God tells us that children are a gift from God (Psalm 127), how in the world can we say their family is too large?  I wonder which child you'd want them to give up?  Either we agree with the Word of God, or we don't.  Each of their children is a gift.  Each single one of them.  I know they agree.

Thirdly, how can you argue with the organization, discipline, strength, morals, and values of this family?  I think it's interesting that all of the larger families I know are this way.  I think the larger your family gets, the more organized and disciplined you have to be.  When I daily see families with 1, 2, or 3 children who are out of control, it's heartwarming to see a family--a family of any size--who has it together!  Not perfect, but together.

I can't imagine the criticism they hear on a daily basis.  I can remember the many comments I received when I was pregnant with my 4th child.  I heard it all:  "Just because God told man to replenish the earth doesn't mean you have to do it all."  Or..."Don't you know what causes that?"  Or how about:  "Are you going to get 'fixed' this time?"  REALLY?  And it's your business because...?  After my experiences, I've tried my hardest to encourage and edify couples having large families.  They certainly don't hear enough of it.  And, by the way, I can't imagine my life without my 4th child!

Just because we're not saying it to the Duggar's face, we're sending out a message when we make negative comments.  And a message that certainly smacks in the face of God who says each child is a blessing and a gift.

Ok...I'm standing off my soapbox now.


Kara said...

I love you! I love your soap box as well and I will hop up there with you. I agree 100% with you and it's bothered me so much to see responses by people in the media, facebook, etc. :( Thank you for saying what you said because I felt like I was the only one thinking this way.

Ronnie said...

I agree!!! The Duggards are an amazing example of a Godly family...and I heard all those comments as well when I was pregnant with really isn't up to anyone how big a family is or isn't. It's between them and God...I LOVE my "bigger than average" family! LOL