Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Martha Days

As my prayer partners & I met yesterday and talked (we had a lot of catching up to do!), I blurted out these words, "We're living in 'Martha Days'."  We all nodded our heads in agreement and went on.  But since then, those words won't leave my mind.  

IS ANYONE ELSE OUT THERE GOING CRAZY????  I your life completely out of control?  Are you totally distracted?  Do you have more things to do than hours in your day?  Are the demands from others increasing?  Are you busier now than you've EVER been?  Are more things falling apart around you?  Has the price of everything increased?  Is your health different now than last year?  Are you EXHAUSTED???

I am.  This isn't a new thought.  It's been plaguing me for quite some time.  As I would sit and think on how tired I am, I would long for the mountains (my personal refuge for relaxing).  Or I would long for a lifestyle in a place that is slower---much slower.

But I believe that God has used all of this to get my attention.  We are living in Martha Days.  Things are crazy and chaotic and we're overwhelmed with overstimulation from the electronic age and the demands of our times and the demands of others.  And the answer isn't moving to the Southern Isles.  It's learning how to step out of the chaos...and sit at Jesus' feet.  It's taking time for the Lord, hearing His voice giving us direction, and doing nothing but what the Father tells us to do.

I'm ready to learn.  I don't know how to do this yet.  But I'm already longing for the Mary Days.


As We Are said...

Oh my goodness Becky, this is SO on my heart right now. I am exhausted! I want to have lots of energy for my kids and husband, but I feel there is none left to give. I'm working on slowing down more, even though we have already cut out so much. Let me know if you discover any great key to this one.

amy wright said...

The other day I imagined I was laying in a clean room with crisp white bedding and I did not need to get up. It was a wonderful daydream...didn't last long until the kids found me in the guest room and all joined me on the bed. :)

Sewn Together said...

Amen Sister! This spoke right to my heart too.

Sandi C said...

I am right there with you Becky. This weekend I was putting the patio furniture back in its place after the 4th of July and I thought~ this table is the perfect place to have my quiet time. I have not had time to get out there yet but I am thinking tonight I am just going to do it and hope by boys survive he he Thanks for the GREAT blogs. God usually uses you to speak straight to my heart!!