Thursday, July 1, 2010

More on Martha

Martha in the '50's I asked God to teach me how to step out of the "Martha Days" and become a Mary that sits at his feet and listens and learns.  Amazingly, in my methodical Bible reading (meaning I intend to hear God through a systematic reading through the Bible), I was in John 11.  And guess who I met there?  You got it!  Martha.

In John 11, we see Martha & Mary, the sisters of Lazarus--who had just died.  Here are some things this passage says about Martha:
vs. 5---Jesus loved her
vs. 20--She took initiative with Jesus
vs. 21--She knew the power of Jesus
vs. 22--She had faith
vs. 24--She believed what she'd been taught
vs. 27--She had put her whole faith in Jesus Christ

So you see?  Martha knew Jesus.  She rubbed shoulders with him all the time--He came to stay at their home when he was in the area.  She had put her whole faith in him. But Martha was busy.  And it's not enough just to know him and be near it?

1 comment:

The McCown's said...

SOOO true!! As I read through your previous post and then this one, it struck to my core. There's just simply so much to do and I'm constantly dragging God around with me expecting a "Mary" kind of relationship yet I'm too busy to stop and sit with Him as she did....I'm much like Martha, too much. We can't excuse ourselves because "it's just the way things are these days"...we have to PURPOSEFULLY stop and sit with Him. Thank you for sharing...let's become Mary's!!!