Monday, June 28, 2010


It's true that the older you get, the more you realize what's really important.  God.  Telling others about Jesus.  Family.  Friends.

Not work.  Not money.  Not things.

And then you know how to invest your money and time accordingly.  In the past, I've had a fear of spending money on "trivial things."  Things like vacations.  That is, until God showed me I wasn't spending on trivial things---I was investing in the kingdom of God.  My children and grandchildren are part of that kingdom and when I invest in time with them, I'm investing in eternal things.

I hope you have the right perspective.  I hope you see that the time you invest with your family may result in their salvation.  Just loving on them, showing them that they are more important than your job, may bring them to Christ.

Thank you, God, for an eternal perspective.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

And Thank You God for vacation!