Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesdays Were Pretty Normal by Michael Kelley

I know Michael Kelley...mainly through my children.  I also follow his blog.  So when I found out he'd written another book, I pre-ordered three of them months ago...and they came in this week.  I began the book yesterday and couldn't put it down.  I just now finished it and had to write a review while it was fresh on my mind.

I remember when Michael & Jana Kelley found out their two-year-old son, Joshua, had leukemia.  I immediately called our good friends, Johnny & Brenda Rusten, and asked them to contact the Kelley's.  The Rusten's daughter, Lauren, had leukemia when she was around 4-years-old.  I knew that the Rusten's could encourage the Kelley's after having walked that path themselves.  In fact, Lauren was married this past month.  What a beautiful girl with an incredible story.  But I digress...

I began reading Michael's story of their family's journey through Joshua's cancer.  By page 32, I was crying...and not over Joshua's story (although it will move you to tears)...but because of Michael's insight that seemed to squeeze my heart.  (At this point, I also realized I couldn't read this book without a highlighter--I needed to mark the things Michael was saying that were so profound.  And I don't mark my books.)  I would say this book is about Michael's search for truth through this cancer journey and a faith redefined.  He tells Joshua's journey (or his own) with cancer, includes his honest response, and then his search through scripture which spoke to that part of the journey.

I highly encourage you to read this book.  It's not just about cancer.  It's about life, faith, truth, and God.  It's Michael's experience.  It's my experience and your experience.   And it's profound.  Michael has a way of examining scripture and bringing truth to light in a way you may never have considered before.  Which is why I was crying by page 32.  It's truth that pierces and examines.  And you'll just find his candid honesty very refreshing.  Buy the book---it will be one you'll want to mark and keep.  Buy two--because you'll want to give one away!

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars!!

 Find the trailer here.

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