Monday, September 21, 2009

I've earned my pay!

This weekend, I developed a facebook page for Living Water. I've been wanting to do it for awhile, but after the seminar I attended this weekend, I decided it was time. It took most of the day to do it---not that it was hard, but just adding friends, etc. I hope you'll add me as a friend if you have a facebook!
Today, I developed a blogspot for Living Water. We live in a day of technology so I decided it was time to add Living Water where most people live---facebook and blogspot. Through these avenues, I hope to make people aware of the ministry we do here. I'm very passionate about Living Water--mainly because I'm seeing lives being changed. But it's also a great place to volunteer. We're a family. A family with a common vision to help others.
Anway, you probably already know about Living Water and what we do. But if you don't, I hope you'll take a look at our pages and become acquainted.

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