Monday, September 21, 2009

It's all about the gate...

I'm reading Ezekiel right now. I'm in chapter 8 where Ezekiel has a vision and is taken up into the heavens (pulled by a lock of his hair, no less!) and ends up in Jerusalem. At the entrance of the door of the inner court (the north gate), there is an idol of jealousy, which provokes to jealousy. I researched this. What is the north gate? The north gate of Jerusalem is the Damascus gate. (Damascus being where Saul encountered God.) But it's not talking about the gate to the city, but to the inner court of the temple. This is even more significant--because things in the Old Testament are a picture of the New Testament.
The temple in the New Testament is us---our hearts are the temple of God. I was reminded of the verse, "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name." Psalm 100:4. I think that's where it begins and ends. We either enter His gates with thanksgiving and praise---or we erect an idol that provokes to jealousy. We serve a jealous God. If we're not praising Him, who are we praising? Who are we worshiping? The 8th chapter of Ezekiel goes on to talk about progressive sin. The elders were hiding their sins in a hole in the wall---secret sins that involved deeper worship of idols.
God's doing a lot of uncovering in my heart. Am I entering his gates with thanksgiving and praise...or is there an idol provoking to jealousy at the gate? Does it go deeper--are there sins in the hole in the wall? And how did they get there? I think it all started at the gate.

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