Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Marketplace

It sounds so dumb. But it was huge. I was in the Marketplace on Farm Town. For those non-farmers, it's a game on Facebook and Marketplace is a place to sell your crops, look for a job, and hire workers. Lots of chit-chat goes on in that room. A girl named Glory walked in. I began "singing" Glory, Glory Hallelujah. That's all I typed. Those 3 words. And I was stoned by a dozen farmers! Phrases like, "We're not all Christians in here!" "Keep your religion to yourself!" "God does not exist." "We don't want that in this place." It wasn't random---it was constant. I was so stunned, I didn't even know how to respond!!
Last night, a friend on Facebook quoted words to a song that talks about In God We Trust being the American motto. Same thing. He was stoned.
I keep telling my kids I have a unique perspective---like everyone my age. I grew up in the day when America was a Christian nation. We trusted our neighbors. Kids wandered all over town at 9 years old. It was Mayberry. So it's a little overwhelming to realize we're no longer a Christian nation. But....I didn't think we were to the place of stoning Christians...until last night.
Last Sunday night, we met our small group at Pizza Duo. Margaret is German and was telling us about her family who lived in Germany during the holocaust. Her granddad worked underground to fight the Nazi regime. He sent his daughter, Margaret's mother, to work for a baker and she lived behind the bakery for her protection. She was 14. The mayor of the city hid Margaret's grandfather in his home because the Nazis were hunting him, wanting to kill him. It was an incredible story.
That conversation, the Marketplace, and the motto have all caused me to think about our future here in the states. We need to get ready. Be prepared. What are you going to do when your nation no longer likes Christians? It's going to happen. We're told that we'll be hated by all nations. (Matt. 10:22) Will we stand silently? Will we speak out? What? I don't know what I'll do. But after being in the Marketplace, I've been asking God to prepare me and my family.


amy wright said...

That's so crazy. And I think you are right.

Lindsey said...

That is super crazy. Not only will we be physically rejected, we're already being virtually rejected. This is eye-opening.

Becky Dietz said...

I think our virtual world makes us feel safe to voice things we might not voice person-to-person quite yet. But to see how vocal people were, hidden behind their farmer persona, was overwhelming!

Duncans in Doha said...

Wow! That is amazing! I have something to tell you about this in a couple of weeks when I get back. Remind me and I'll email you then. I want to share but not now. This is scary, crazy and kind of exciting thinking the end is near. It's kind of like watching a movie like The Titanic. You know what's coming and but have to watch it play ou,t but you know how it ends.

Anonymous said...

I hope you and everyone else doesn't let that stop you from getting on FB...and from exercising your freedom of speech AND tell people who you are and what you believe, I am not!!!!!