Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Surgery...ever had it?  Well, I'm not having it now, but I know about the subject.  It's not much fun.  It's excruciating to know you're going to have to have surgery.  And then you spend days or weeks worrying about the surgery while they try to schedule you in.  You know you need it, but what are the other options?  Would medicine work just as well?  Can I just bury my head in the sand?  Please??

I had a hysterectomy when I was 34.  I can only tell you that I was ready.  Did I dread it?  Of course.  I would have dreaded it even more if I'd known that the outcome of the simpler procedure led my doctor to also do the more invasive procedure.  And that I came out looking dead because I lost so much blood.  (tmi?)

Well, I'm not having physical surgery but spiritual surgery.  Sometimes it's just as painful, if not more so.  And I stew just as much--trying to figure out a way to take care of it myself (or get out of it!) before I finally turn myself over to the Great Physician's care.  The great thing about this Doctor is that he never screws up.  You won't die.  Or even look dead.  And the good news is you'll feel 100% better!

I have to finally get to the place where I'm willing to pull my ribcage open and allow Him to look at the infections in my heart...and remove them.  It's such a difficult procedure only because He doesn't allow anesthesia...because He wants me to be a part of the process.  I have to go in willingly and agree to each step of the surgery.
It's never easy.  But it's certainly healing.

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."  John 8:32

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