Sunday, December 5, 2010


This morning in Sunday School, I had an epiphany.  We were studying Ephesians 2:11-18.  The conversation turned to the covenants that had been made with Israel in the Old Testament.  These covenants pointed to Christ and the new covenant to come. 

I suddenly understood why Israel had a problem with the new covenant--and why it's hard for them to come to Christ.  First of all, the old covenants are familiar.  And we get very content in the familiar.  But secondly, these covenants were for Israel alone.  Why in the world would they want to be a part of a new covenant which included Gentiles?  (If you want to see some of these covenants, go here and type in "covenant.")  And thirdly, the old covenant is about self---keeping the law.  It's hard to let go of that and trust Christ.

And for that matter...why would Gentiles long to be a part of the old covenants?  I've heard teachings about spiritual Israel and how the promises given to Israel are for us.  But why would we long for those old covenants when God has offered us so much more in the new covenant?  And this new covenant was meant to unify us with Israel.

I'm sure I don't understand everything about this, but this made sense to me this morning.

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