Saturday, December 4, 2010


Not my stockings...but I wish they were!

Do you find it as hard as I do to keep Christmas giving "even?"   For some on my list, it's hard for me to even think of one gift.  And that person varies from year to year.  But then when I begin shopping, I keep finding something really cool for that person who is easy to shop for that particular year.  And then I start over trying to even things out!  And that hard person to shop for becomes even harder.
But I may have hit upon the solution.  I told my mom that instead of gifts next year, I wanted a sister/mom shopping date at the after-Christmas sales in Dallas/Ft. Worth.  Maybe the bargains will put me ahead of the game for Christmas 2012!!  It will be fun, regardless.  Even?  I'll still probably be out on Christmas Eve trying to even things up.


Tammy said...

it IS hard to be even with everyone. you always have that one that no matter what you give them it's the best ever and they love it and then there's that one that you always feel like they are thinking is this all there is.....
have fun!

Jean said...

Oh Becky, you have a great idea!

amy wright said...

Am I the hard one? haha
I don't think you have to worry about being even anymore. We are all grown-ups and know who your real favorite is by now. :) hahahahahahaha

Becky Dietz said...

Really? What's your guess Ms. Amy?