Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Simplified

I hadn't been able to put my finger on it...but then I imagine there are several reasons it just hasn't felt like Christmas this year.  The 70 degree weather probably hasn't helped.  Usually by this time, I've had several fires in my fireplace.  Andy lit a fire other night and I made him turn it off (gas logs).  I had to turn the air conditioner on for us to endure his fire!
Andy was sick right after Thanksgiving, so he never felt like getting up on our roof and putting up the Christmas lights.  That was a first for us.  (See sad, lonely photo above)
And then there's the whole shopping online experience.  Some of my earliest memories are of Christmas shopping with my dad and brothers.  One year, I found a $5 bill on the street that my dad let me keep after asking several holiday shoppers if they'd dropped it--and none had.  I'd hit the jackpot!!  It would be like having an extra $25 today.  But I digress.  (Remind me later to tell you the story of my younger brother and I combining our money to buy my Baptist mom a rosary one year.)  I have very strong, happy memories of doing my Christmas shopping.  But after doing most of my shopping online, I finally shopped at an actual store and it hit me!  I'd missed this adrenaline rush!!  I'm one of those crazy people out on Christmas Eve fighting the crowds and smiling like I'm one of Santa's elves.  I love that emotion and expectation of what's to come for my kids.  And speaking of kids...I've had none around yet...grandkids, that is.  Christmas is just more fun and exciting when there are kids!!
Plus there wasn't enough time between Thanksgiving and Christmas this you think?  It was CRAZY here the past 4 weeks!  We had one of the most fun Thanksgivings I think we've ever had--with most of our kids and a bunch of nieces and nephews here.  So. much. fun!!  But it just seems like yesterday.
Andy & I made a dash to Pampa tonight to try the Pampa Wal-Mart for an addition to a granddaughter's gift.  (Success!)  We went by mom's house while there and we were all talking about how it just didn't seem like Christmas.

...but then I read Lindsey's blog tonight and I realized God has simplified this Christmas (even my gift-giving) for a reason.  He's removed all of the distractions and is ushering in peace.  I receive this simplified Christmas...just as it is.